I am having a similar problem as described here: meteor > error: no such package: 'accounts-urls'

To fix this issue it looks like I have to downgrade my version of Meteorite to get 'accounts-ui-bootstrap-dropdown' to work.

But first I want to check which version of Meteor I am currently running.

How can I do this? I am running Meteor on a mac with terminal.

6 Answers 6


There are 2 versions

1. Global tool version of meteor command

Find version by:

meteor --version # CAUTION this will auto update your meteor release !!!!!

2. Project version of meteor

A project stays at the meteor version which it was created with unless manually upgraded. Find this by running:

cat .meteor/release
  • 1
    you are right. That's funny, I always cat .meteor/release when I need pinned version :D
    – imslavko
    Commented Aug 17, 2013 at 18:42
  • 8
    Worth noting that running meteor --version while inside a project will show the .meteor/release version, even if you have a newer global tool installed. Commented Sep 30, 2015 at 11:48
  • 11
    Why does running "meteor --version" first download the newest version of meteor-tool ?
    – Cos
    Commented Jul 21, 2016 at 7:34

There are two places where you should check your Meteor version.

There is a main Meteor tool, installed to your home folder: /Users/nearpoint/.meteor. It has auto-updater and it keeps copies of Meteor for different versions installed.

Another place is your project's folder. project/.meteor/release contains version of Meteor this project is using. Even if your main Meteor tool updated, it will still use the pinned version for your project, so backward incompatible changes will not break unless you want it.

To update main Mteor tool (usually it auto-updates but if it doesn't) just run curl https://install.meteor.com | sh.

To update version for your project run in your project's folder:

meteor update

to update to the latest release or

meteor update --release

if you want to upgrade (or downgrade) to the specific release. Now if you look at .meteor/release file in your project, it will change to new pinned release.

  • Thanks I used meteor update --release to downgrade and now the 'mrt add acounts-ui-bootstrap-dropdown' does not give an error anymore! Thanks
    – Nearpoint
    Commented Aug 18, 2013 at 5:14
  • I am glad it helped you! New release (0.6.5) has new backward incompatible changes to packages, you want packages maintainers to update their packages (it's not that hard, btw) before you migrate to 0.6.5
    – imslavko
    Commented Aug 18, 2013 at 5:16

Incase you want to check the version of a running release load up the javascript console and check


(This is while its running - Sometimes it can give blank if the app was deployed with meteorite)


Another way to do this is to open up your Javascript console in the browser and type:


This is very useful for me as I'm running Ubuntu on a Chromebook so I don't need to stop my local server to check which version I'm currently running.

Please note the server does need to be running (localhost:3000) for this command to work.


I just used

meteor --version

in nitrous.io and it updated Meteor to 0.9.0. This is NOT a command to merely check version.


meteor show meteor has interesting output. This is what I got on my Mac terminal:

$ meteor show meteor
Package: [email protected]                        
Maintainers: mdg                              
Exports: Meteor                               

This is an internal Meteor package.           

Recent versions:                              
  1.1.5   March 18th, 2015                    
  1.1.6   April 1st, 2015
  1.1.7   September 22nd, 2015
  1.1.9   September 29th, 2015
  1.1.10  October 27th, 2015    installed

Older and pre-release versions of meteor have been hidden. To see all 73 versions, run 'meteor show --show-all meteor'.
  • 2
    This seemed promising except it doesn't seem to correspond to the "meteor version" I was looking for. For meteor 1.5.1 this shows [email protected]. Commented Aug 23, 2017 at 23:47

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