I cannot install ST3's SFTP plugin on Windows 7 64bit. It is installed but all its menus are greyed out, not active.

I read support. It says:

To fix this, please perform the following:

Open Preferences > Browse Packages… Navigate into the SFTP/ folder and

open SFTP.py in Sublime.

I open Browse Packages... as written but there is no SFTP/ folder in Sublime Text 3\Packages folder thet is opened. Neither in Sublime Text 3\Packages nor in Sublime Text 3\Packages\User. I only have two folders there:

\Sublime Text 3\Packages\Package Control
\Sublime Text 3\Packages\User

What do I do wrong? How may install or set the plugin correctly? On my computer the mentioned directory located here C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages\. May ST3 install plugin to some other directories?


4 Answers 4


Only testing version of the SFTP plugin works in Sublime Text 3.

How To :

  1. Run "Package Control: Add Repository" command

  2. Paste "http://sublime.wbond.net/testing/packages.json" (official repo)

  3. Install or upgrade SFTP plugin from the Package Control

Done ;)


SFTP doesn't work in Sublime Text 3. At least on Windows 7 64 bit. But it works fine in Sublime Text 2. So I uninstalled ST3, installed ST2 and installed SFTP plugin. And am quite happy.


Had troubles finding the folder... Turned out it was located at c:\Users\PROFILENAME\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\

Though I can't get the package to work properly ><


From Package Control (Cntrl + Shift + p as shortcut) you can do:

  • Search for Package Control: Install Package
  • Search SFTP and install it

And you will have your SFTP plugin installed correctly, without having to add any repositories.

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