There is a column Values with a number of Strings, then show below the most common value and the number of occurrences of that value (i.e. mode of Strings). Here's an example.

| Values |
|   AA   |
|   BB   |
|   AA   |
|   AA   |
|   GG   |
|   DD   |
|   DD   |
|        |
|   Most Common   |   AA   |
| Number of times |   03   |

This will be done in Google Spreadsheets! Any tips?


3 Answers 3


For your specific example, let that be column A, so you have A1='AA', A2='BB',...,A7='DD'.

To find the number of times the max element occurs, we want to count each unique element, then return the max count, so in a cell use the formula


This is an ARRAY formula, so in excel you must hit Ctrl+Shift+Enter to use it. To use in google spreadsheets, surround it with ARRAYFORMULA so it becomes


Explanation: the inside countif counts the cells of A1:A7, if they are equal to each value in A1:A7, and puts them in a list. Max returns the max value in that list.

Now, to get the actual element, we have another ARRAY formula. We can do an index/match lookup to figure out the value, so on the inside of the function, max finds the value with the greatest count, then that gets passed to an index+match function to find the value in the original list


and so for google spreadsheets


you replace each instance of A1:A7 with the actual range of your data.

This post was helpful: http://www.mrexcel.com/forum/excel-questions/34530-mode-text-strings.html

  • 2
    Excelent man! This is EXACTLY what I was searching, to work in Google SpreadSheet it's just simple surround your formulas with ARRAYFORMULA() and pull out the = char of INDEX and MAX Commented Aug 6, 2013 at 1:45
  • Have they changed Google Spreadsheets? This solution is not working for me Commented Jan 10, 2018 at 19:38

You could create a map with a string and a counter and increment the counter on each occurrence of the string. I don't know java script but something like the following sudocode should work to count the number of occurrences:

Dictionary<string, int> _map;

foreach(cell in sheet.cells)
    if(_map.contains(cell.value) ==  FALSE)
    _map.item(cell.value) += 1 // increment number of occurrences 

After this you should loop to find the largest number, store its associated string and find the number associated with the string of the largest number.


To get this working in Google Spreadsheet the above didn't work, returning an Out of Range Error instead. I had to modify the formatting a little. This is what worked;


Replace the 5 references to G14:ZZ14 with your range.

  • 1
    what are the 2 semicolons for?
    – chiliNUT
    Commented May 11, 2015 at 1:43

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