I managed to change my project name, but how do I change the name displayed directly to the left of "iOS Simulator"?


9 Answers 9


This is in the Xcode documentation available from the "Help" menu. Choose "Help" > "Xcode Help", then enter "rename scheme" to find it. Here are the steps:

  1. Choose "Edit Scheme" from the "Product" menu.
  2. Click on the "Manage Schemes…" button
  3. Select the scheme whose name you wish to change
  4. Press the "Return" key

It will select the name of the scheme and allow you to edit it.

  • 3
    that worked in XCode 8 and I find the Xcode help so generally unhelpful that I never even thought to look it up. thanks for the helpful answer. Commented Apr 16, 2017 at 17:16
  • 2
    Note that you need to literally press "Return", double-clicking takes you to the wrong place. Commented Aug 14, 2023 at 18:18
  • This is so f*cked up to do it that way. How would anyone figure this out? Would it have been too hard to just add that one field to the dialog that is already there?
    – Fred
    Commented May 21 at 16:36


Product -> Scheme -> Edit Scheme

enter image description here

Or simply click and hold left mouse button on your project icon (on the right from the run button) and select Edit scheme

enter image description here


If your XCode is version 13 you can Duplicate the Schema > Set the new name > Choose the old name schema from the list and press the Minus button at the bottom to delete.

That's the only way I could achieve this since the Schema Manager doesn't let me rename directly from the Scheme List pressing Return.

It's weird but worked so far.



Hitting "Return" and double-clicking the scheme in the Scheme Manager weren't working for me, they both go to the Edit Scheme tab. After some trial and error this worked

  1. In the top menu bar click "Product"
  2. Hover "Scheme" and click "Manage Schemes"
  3. Click the Scheme name (specifically the text not the whitespace of the cell)
  4. Pause for a second (do not click again in quick succession (i.e. double-click))
  5. Click the Scheme name again

Seems like the behaviour for renaming files in Finder/File Explorer where you can rename files by slowly clicking them twice.

  • Confirmed this behavior is how to change the scheme name on Xcode 15.
    – M-P
    Commented May 8 at 19:29

In Xcode click these keys:

  1. click "Command" + "Shift" + "<"

  2. click "Manage Schemas..."

  3. tap your project name and then click "return" key

  4. edit to what you want

That's it.


With Xcode 15, you can simply select the project or the scheme in the Project navigator (left menu) and you'll be able to change the name in the Identity and Type window (on the right).


you change from the help menu on the hand you can find the product menu choose scheme and edit the name or you can add new one.enter image description here


You can remove them, then add them again with a new name.


The best way is to duplicate the scheme that works, but with the wrong name, use the new name, then delete the bad one.

Hit the gear-button near the plus-minus buttons new the lower left corner.

  • Sorry but that is an awful way Commented Jun 30, 2020 at 21:38

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