I'm engaged in a C# learning process and it is going well so far. I however just now hit my first "say what?" moment.

The DataTable offers random row access to its Rows collection, not only through typical collections behavior, but also through DataTable.Select. However I cannot seem to be able to tie this ability to DataRow.Delete. So far this is what it seems I need to do in order to conditionally delete one or more rows from a table.

int max = someDataTable.Rows.Count - 1;
for(int i = max; i >= 0; --i)
    if((int)someDataTable.Rows[i].ItemArray[0] == someValue)

But I'm not happy with this code. Neither I'm convinced. I must be missing something. Am I really forced to hit the Rows collection sequentially if I need to delete one or more rows conditionally?

(don't mind the inverted for. I'm deleting from the end of the datatable. So it's ok)

4 Answers 4


You could query the dataset and then loop the selected rows to set them as delete.

var rows = dt.Select("col1 > 5");
foreach (var row in rows)
   { row.Delete(); }

... and you could also create some extension methods to make it easier ...

myTable.Delete("col1 > 5");

public static DataTable Delete(this DataTable table, string filter)
    return table;
public static void Delete(this IEnumerable<DataRow> rows)
    foreach (var row in rows)
  • Ah! Didn't occur to me Select() would return a reference to the datatable rows. I knew I had to be missing something. Thanks a bunch! Commented Oct 20, 2009 at 1:37
  • Too good solution, this also solved my problem of datatable.select changing the order. Commented Mar 30, 2012 at 12:15
  • 6
    Finally You want to apply those change to dt table using below command.dt.AcceptChanges()
    – Damith
    Commented Dec 24, 2013 at 6:45
  • This is a useful approach, BUT, be careful if you need to check one column (rows values) with a variable instead of a simple number, the interpreter will try to find another column with the variable name. Eg: ' var rows = Dt.Select("Col1 < yourVariable); ' , code will try to find rows where [Column.Col1] is less than [Column.yourVariable] which will give you an error. Commented Oct 27, 2021 at 16:31

Here's a one-liner using LINQ and avoiding any run-time evaluation of select strings:

    r => r.ItemArray[0] == someValue).ToList().ForEach(r => r.Delete());
  • 3
    Sometime, remember call function someDataTable.AcceptChanges(); after delete
    – Wolf
    Commented Oct 12, 2013 at 3:57
  • 1
    @GreyWolf if you want to write the changes back to the database, then do NOT call AcceptChanges! AcceptChanges will mark all new/updated rows as unchanged, thus the DataAdapter will think there are NO changes and won't write anything to the database on .Update(). Commented Nov 10, 2013 at 15:39
  • 1
    what is r.ItemArray[0] in this case, is it the first column of the row? please tag me when you reply. Commented Jun 3, 2015 at 17:16
  • Very nice and elegant code this is. I was searching for this trick since two days! And thank you so much @Alain to post this code 'coz you saved my day.
    – Rohan Rao
    Commented Oct 21, 2019 at 9:47

I don't have a windows box handy to try this but I think you can use a DataView and do something like so:

DataView view = new DataView(ds.Tables["MyTable"]);
view.RowFilter = "MyValue = 42"; // MyValue here is a column name

// Delete these rows.
foreach (DataRowView row in view)

I haven't tested this, though. You might give it a try.

  • I tried and it worked. I do prefer the Select approach though. But good thing to keep in mind. Thanks :) +1 Commented Oct 20, 2009 at 1:41
  • This btw would leave the underlying DataTable object intact and "growing" with unused rows, hence, might be memory garbage. It is indeed useful if you want to retrive a different "view" of the DataTable, at a different moment or to a different object. Interesting approach! Thanks Commented Oct 27, 2021 at 8:37

Extension method based on Linq

public static void DeleteRows(this DataTable dt, Func<DataRow, bool> predicate)
    foreach (var row in dt.Rows.Cast<DataRow>().Where(predicate).ToList())

Then use:

DataTable dt = GetSomeData();
dt.DeleteRows(r => r.Field<double>("Amount") > 123.12 && r.Field<string>("ABC") == "XYZ");

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