How do I declare a variable for use in a PostgreSQL 8.3 query?

In MS SQL Server I can do this:

SET @myvar = 5/
SELECT * FROM somewhere WHERE something = @myvar;

How do I do the same in PostgreSQL? According to the documentation variables are declared simply as "name type;", but this gives me a syntax error:

myvar INTEGER;

Could someone give me an example of the correct syntax?


18 Answers 18


I accomplished the same goal by using a WITH clause, it's nowhere near as elegant but can do the same thing. Though for this example it's really overkill. I also don't particularly recommend this.

WITH myconstants (var1, var2) as (
   values (5, 'foo')
FROM somewhere, myconstants
WHERE something = var1
   OR something_else = var2;
  • 5
    This works great for most instances where you would want variables. However, if you wanted to use a variable for LIMIT (which can't contain variables), then you'd want to use \set as suggested in Shahriar Aghajani's answer.
    – cimmanon
    Commented Oct 30, 2013 at 15:20
  • 2
    This is ideal for when I have a migration script where I want to import some relational data. Obviously I won't know the sequence id the relational data is given. Commented Feb 13, 2015 at 9:40
  • 4
    I just tried this approach, and found a perhaps better way: JOIN myconstants ON true and then there is no need to do the sub-select.
    – vektor
    Commented Jul 8, 2015 at 16:59
  • 28
    This only works within a single query, you can't share a WITH CTE across queries in a transaction.
    – Daenyth
    Commented Jul 5, 2016 at 13:42
  • 5
    Old question, but here here’s a variation: WITH constants AS (SELECT 5 AS var) SELECT * FROM somewhere CROSS JOIN constants WHERE someting=var;. The CROSS JOIN, being a with a single-row table expression, virtually duplicates the data for all of the rows in the real table, and simplifies the expression.
    – Manngo
    Commented Oct 8, 2016 at 5:27

There is no such feature in PostgreSQL. You can do it only in pl/PgSQL (or other pl/*), but not in plain SQL.

An exception is WITH () query which can work as a variable, or even tuple of variables. It allows you to return a table of temporary values.

WITH master_user AS (
    FROM users
    WHERE ...

FROM users
WHERE master_login = (SELECT login
                      FROM master_user)
      AND (SELECT registration_date
           FROM master_user) > ...;
  • 5
    I tried this method of CTEs being used as vriables. But than i quickly ran into a problem where different data modifying queries in CTEs are not guaranteed to see each other's effects. I had to use multiple CTEs as i needed to use that variable in multiple queries. Commented Jan 11, 2019 at 9:45

You could also try this in PLPGSQL:

DO $$
DECLARE myvar integer;
    SELECT 5 INTO myvar;
    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tmp_table;
    SELECT * FROM yourtable WHERE   id = myvar;
END $$;

SELECT * FROM tmp_table;

The above requires Postgres 9.0 or later.

  • 4
    The DO statement was added in PostgreSQL 9.0 and does not work in 8.3.
    – Johny
    Commented Dec 18, 2015 at 12:45
  • 29
    Use CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE or CREATE TEMP TABLE, not CREATE TABLE. But otherwise fine. Commented Jun 20, 2016 at 13:49

Dynamic Config Settings

you can "abuse" dynamic config settings for this:

-- choose some prefix that is unlikely to be used by postgres
set session my.vars.id = '1';

select *
from person 
where id = current_setting('my.vars.id')::int;

Config settings are always varchar values, so you need to cast them to the correct data type when using them. This works with any SQL client whereas \set only works in psql

The above requires Postgres 9.2 or later.

For previous versions, the variable had to be declared in postgresql.conf prior to being used, so it limited its usability somewhat. Actually not the variable completely, but the config "class" which is essentially the prefix. But once the prefix was defined, any variable could be used without changing postgresql.conf

  • 5
    @BrijanElwadhi: yes that's transactional.
    – user330315
    Commented Feb 20, 2017 at 22:24
  • 2
    As a side note: some words are reserved, for example changing set session my.vars.id = '1'; to set session my.user.id = '1'; will yield ERROR: syntax error at or near "user"
    – dominik
    Commented Jul 9, 2017 at 19:13
  • 3
    @BrijanElwadhi: To make variable transaction specific you must use: SET LOCAL .... The session variable will be in effect as long as you connection is. The local is scoped to transaction. Commented Aug 13, 2018 at 14:07
  • @dominik You can get around that limitation with quotes, eg., set session "my.user.id" = '1'; The current_setting('my.user.id') call works as expected.
    – Miles Elam
    Commented Jan 28, 2020 at 22:11
  • But it seems to be impossible to deal with datetime values in session variable. Something like SET SESSION "vars.tomorrow" = CURRENT_DATE + '1 DAY'::interval; does not work, even with casting to text. In my opinion a great restriction.
    – Dave_B.
    Commented Sep 15, 2020 at 11:19

It depends on your client.

However, if you're using the psql client, then you can use the following:

my_db=> \set myvar 5
my_db=> SELECT :myvar  + 1 AS my_var_plus_1;

If you are using text variables you need to quote.

\set myvar 'sometextvalue'
select * from sometable where name = :'myvar';
  • 1
    \set must be lowercase
    – deluan
    Commented Aug 8, 2017 at 18:12
  • db=# \set profile_id 102 db=# :profile_id; ERROR: syntax error at or near "102" LINE 1: 102; ^
    – AlxVallejo
    Commented Jan 30, 2019 at 22:48
  • 1
    @AlxVallejo you have to use it in statement and psql console. db=> \set someid 8292 db=> SELECT * FROM sometable WHERE id = :someid;
    – everis
    Commented Apr 24, 2019 at 9:22
  • This :variable syntax is also what you need to make native queries with parameters via Value.NativeQuery in PowerQuery.
    – Zezombye
    Commented Mar 8, 2023 at 22:42

This solution is based on the one proposed by fei0x but it has the advantages that there is no need to join the value list of constants in the query and constants can be easily listed at the start of the query. It also works in recursive queries.

Basically, every constant is a single-value table declared in a WITH clause which can then be called anywhere in the remaining part of the query.

  • Basic example with two constants:
    constant_1_str AS (VALUES ('Hello World')),
    constant_2_int AS (VALUES (100))
FROM some_table
WHERE table_column = (table constant_1_str)
LIMIT (table constant_2_int)

Alternatively you can use SELECT * FROM constant_name instead of TABLE constant_name which might not be valid for other query languages different to postgresql.

  • Very neat, I'll be using this often. Just curious - what does the TABLE keyword do in this context? I'm having no luck searching for it since it's such a generic term.
    – user323094
    Commented Jul 16, 2020 at 13:56
  • @user323094 it's same as 'select * from XX'
    – tcpiper
    Commented Aug 28, 2021 at 12:50
  • 2
    it works only once. if you write select query to use same value twice, it gives error saying "SQL Error [42P01]: ERROR: relation "constant_1_str" does not exist Position: 20" Commented Dec 14, 2021 at 11:52
  • 2
    @SatishPatro Yes that's the only downside to the CTE approach - it only exists for the first query that follows the creating of the CTE. This example is probably the nicest version of the CTE approach to variables though, IMO
    – devklick
    Commented Feb 16, 2022 at 10:13

Using a Temp Table outside of pl/PgSQL

Outside of using pl/pgsql or other pl/* language as suggested, this is the only other possibility I could think of.

select 5::int as var into temp table myvar;
select *
  from somewhere s, myvar v
 where s.something = v.var;

I want to propose an improvement to @DarioBarrionuevo's answer, to make it simpler leveraging temporary tables.

DO $$
    DECLARE myvar integer = 5;
        -- put here your query with variables:
        SELECT * 
        FROM yourtable
        WHERE id = myvar;
END $$;

SELECT * FROM tmp_table;
  • nice solution for solving DO block can't return data set!
    – CodeFarmer
    Commented Jan 10, 2018 at 3:29
  • On PostgreSQL 11.0, such a query returns 1 (presumably the row count) rather than the contents of tmp_table.
    – Ed Noepel
    Commented Jun 8, 2020 at 18:49

As you will have gathered from the other answers, PostgreSQL doesn’t have this mechanism in straight SQL, though you can now use an anonymous block. However, you can do something similar with a Common Table Expression (CTE):

WITH vars AS (
    SELECT 5 AS myvar
FROM somewhere,vars
WHERE something = vars.myvar;

You can, of course, have as many variables as you like, and they can also be derived. For example:

WITH vars AS (
        '1980-01-01'::date AS start,
        '1999-12-31'::date AS end,
        (SELECT avg(height) FROM customers) AS avg_height
FROM customers,vars
WHERE (dob BETWEEN vars.start AND vars.end) AND height<vars.avg_height;

The process is:

  • Generate a one-row cte using SELECT without a table (in Oracle you will need to include FROM DUAL).
  • CROSS JOIN the cte with the other table. Although there is a CROSS JOIN syntax, the older comma syntax is slightly more readable.
  • Note that I have cast the dates to avoid possible issues in the SELECT clause. I used PostgreSQL’s shorter syntax, but you could have used the more formal CAST('1980-01-01' AS date) for cross-dialect compatibility.

Normally, you want to avoid cross joins, but since you’re only cross joining a single row, this has the effect of simply widening the table with the variable data.

In many cases, you don’t need to include the vars. prefix if the names don’t clash with the names in the other table. I include it here to make the point clear.

Also, you can go on to add more CTEs.

This also works in all current versions of MSSQL and MySQL, which do support variables, as well as SQLite which doesn’t, and Oracle which sort of does and sort of doesn’t.

  • 1
    Downvoted as this only works for a single select block. The reason we use variables is so that it effects multiple lines of code Commented Jun 8, 2022 at 3:05
  • @user1034912 I did say similar. The reason we use variables is also to set arbitrary values or to pre-calculate values to be used later in the query, and they might well be used multiple times in the query. You will notice that OP’s sample could very easily have been done with a CTE.
    – Manngo
    Commented Jun 8, 2022 at 3:15
  • Using "JOIN cte_name ON TRUE" instead of "FROM cte_name" is better.
    – Tomex Ou
    Commented Jan 4, 2023 at 12:51

You may resort to tool special features. Like for DBeaver own proprietary syntax:

@set name = 'me'
SELECT :name;
SELECT ${name};

WHERE b.author_id IN (SELECT a.id FROM author AS a WHERE a.name = :name);
  • 4
    This is closer to usable: i'm going to look into whether DBeaver supports lists and looping: i need to apply the same sql to multiple schemas and the list would be of the schemas to apply them to. Commented Mar 26, 2020 at 17:01
  • 1
    You can use lists as @set others = 'Jaques Pierre', 'Juan Pérez' ...WHERE a.name IN (:others)... but @set works on a single line, so long lists become hard to read/edit. You can also add them through the GUI, but then you can't save them with your .sql script. Don't place a semicolon at the end of @set lines, or it will be included in the variable. The docs don't mention lists at all: dbeaver.com/docs/dbeaver/SQL-Execution/…
    – Chema
    Commented Jan 11 at 11:12

True, there is no vivid and unambiguous way to declare a single-value variable, what you can do is

with myVar as (select "any value really")

then, to get access to the value stored in this construction, you do

(select * from myVar)

for example

with var as (select 123)    
... where id = (select * from var)
  • 1
    I am able to use only once, 2nd time I am trying to use it, it's showing "SQL Error [42P01]: ERROR: relation "varName" does not exist Position: 143" Commented Dec 14, 2021 at 11:47
  • 1
    @SatishPatro Look up common table expressions in the docs. You just need to use it from the right scope in your queries.
    – oligofren
    Commented May 2, 2023 at 13:24
  • This worked for me in a CASE. WITH var AS (SELECT SUM(qty) FROM table1 WHERE someval = 12) SELECT id, CASE WHEN (SELECT * FROM var) < 3 THEN 'small' WHEN (SELECT * FROM var) < 10 THEN 'medium' ELSE 'large' END AS "size" FROM table2 WHERE this = that; Commented Jun 26, 2023 at 19:30

Here is an example using PREPARE statements. You still can't use ?, but you can use $n notation:

PREPARE foo(integer) AS
    SELECT  *
    FROM    somewhere
    WHERE   something = $1;
EXECUTE foo(5);

In DBeaver you can use parameters in queries just like you can from code, so this will work:

FROM somewhere
WHERE something = :myvar

When you run the query DBeaver will ask you for the value for :myvar and run the query.


Here is a code segment using plain variable in postges terminal. I have used it a few times. But need to figure a better way. Here I am working with string variable. Working with integer variable, you don't need the triple quote. Triple quote becomes single quote at query time; otherwise you got syntax error. There might be a way to eliminate the need of triple quote when working with string variables. Please update if you find a way to improve.

\set strainname '''B.1.1.7'''

select *
from covid19strain
where name = :strainname ;

In psql, you can use these 'variables' as macros. Note that they get "evaluated" every time they are used, rather than at the time that they are "set".

Simple example:

\set my_random '(SELECT random())'
select :my_random;  -- gives  0.23330629315990592
select :my_random;  -- gives  0.67458399344433542

this gives two different answers each time.

However, you can still use these as a valuable shorthand to avoid repeating lots of subselects.

\set the_id '(SELECT id FROM table_1 WHERE name = ''xxx'' LIMIT 1)'

and then use it in your queries later as



INSERT INTO table2 (table1_id,x,y,z) VALUES (:the_id, 1,2,3)

Note you have to double-quote the strings in the variables, because the whole thing is then string-interpolated (i.e. macro-expanded) into your query.


For example, you can set the custom options my.num and my.first.name as variables as shown below. *A custom option can have multiple . and custom options are deleted after logout:

SET my.num = 2;
SET my.first.name = 'John';

Or, you can set the custom options with set_config() as shown below. *For set_config(), false in the 3rd argument means the new value applies to the current session and true in the 3rd argument means the new value applies to the current transaction and my answer explains set_config() in detail:

SELECT set_config('my.num', '2', false);
SELECT set_config('my.first.name', 'John', false);

Then, you must use current_setting() to get the values of the custom options my.num and my.first.name as shown below:

postgres=# SELECT current_setting('my.num');
(1 row)
postgres=# SELECT current_setting('my.first.name');
(1 row)

Be careful, setting a custom option without . gets the error as shown below:

postgres=# SET num = 2;
ERROR:  unrecognized configuration parameter "num"


postgres=# SELECT set_config('num', '2', false);
ERROR:  unrecognized configuration parameter "num"

And, 2 without '' in set_config() gets the error as shown below:

postgres=# SELECT set_config('my.num', 2, false);
ERROR:  function set_config(unknown, integer, boolean) does not exist
LINE 1: SELECT set_config('my.num', 2, false);
HINT:  No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.

And, using a custom option without current_setting() cannot get the value as shown below:

postgres=# SELECT 'my.num';
(1 row)

And, using a custom option without '' and current_setting() gets the error as shown below:

postgres=# SELECT my.num;
ERROR:  missing FROM-clause entry for table "my"
LINE 1: SELECT my.num;

Next for example, you can use \set to set the number 2 to num as shown below. *You must use : to access num according to the doc otherwise there is error and num is removed after logout:

postgres=# \set num 2
postgres=# SELECT :num;
(1 row)

And, you can use \set to set the text John Smith with '' to name as shown below. *Don't use "" for John Smith because "" is included in the text so the output is "John Smith" and you must use '' for name otherwise there is error and name is removed after logout:

postgres=# \set name 'John Smith'
postgres=# SELECT :'name';
 John Smith
(1 row)

Be careful, setting the text John Smith without '' to name removes the space between John and Smith as shown below:

postgres=# \set name John Smith
postgres=# SELECT :'name';
(1 row)

And, only using \set can show all variables as shown below:

postgres=# \set
COMP_KEYWORD_CASE = 'preserve-upper'
name = 'John Smith'
num = '2'

And, you can use \unset to unset(remove) num and name as shown below:

postgres=# \unset num
postgres=# \unset name

In addition, you can use \echo to output num as shown below:

postgres=# \set num 2
postgres=# \echo :num

And, you can use \echo to output name as shown below. *Don't use '' for name because '' is included in the text so the output is 'John Smith':

postgres=# \set name 'John Smith'
postgres=# \echo :name
John Smith

Using fei0x's answer and bluish's suggestion you can combine them to store your values in a TEMP table. Following is a snippet if someone wants to use the date/timestamp to save into the variables.

drop table if exists tempdb_var;
CREATE TEMP TABLE tempdb_var as
with varInit (v_startdate, v_enddate) as (
    values(CURRENT_DATE - '1 day'::interval, CURRENT_DATE + '1 day'::interval)

select a.* from varInit a;

select v_startdate,v_enddate from tempdb_var;

You can use the variables v_startdate and v_enddate in any query.


In simple query (Postgress)

WITH variables AS ( SELECT 11 AS offerId)

select * from offer_config,variables where offer_id = offerId

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