I'm using the Dictionary class in the MS Runtime Scripting library to store where labels are going to go for a report template. Is there a way to iterate over all the key value pairs in that dictionary like in Python?

I just want to use the key as the row number (It's all going in column A) and the value will be the label header.

Something like:

For Each key in dict
    Range("A" & key).Value = dict(key)
Next key

2 Answers 2



For Each varKey In oDic.Keys()
    Range("A" & varKey).Value = oDic(varKey)

Note that the key iterator must be declared as a Variant.

  • 41
    I would add that strKey should be declared As Variant, because the For Each doesn't work with Strings.
    – stenci
    Commented Sep 9, 2013 at 16:03
  • 1
    Side note, dictionary keys are returned as an array, so iterating them should be done with a For...Next loop for best performance; do use For Each...Next when iterating object collections tough. Commented Jan 16, 2023 at 20:25

Not a lot out there for this but, if you have multiple values per key, such as in an array, you'll need a bit more code. This is my first time responding to a post here so apologies if I'm doing something wrong...

    Dim dict As New Scripting.Dictionary
    Dim k As Variant
    Dim v As Variant

    Set dict = New Scripting.Dictionary
    'Add code to populate your dictionary

    For Each k In dict.Keys()
        Debug.Print k, Join(dict(k), ",") 'Prints out all the details for the key
        For Each v In dict(k)
            Debug.Print v
    Next k

Part of this code comes from this post: VBA Dictionary with Dynamic Arrays

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