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Kolappan N
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A few options I have used:

If XLSX is a must: ExcelPackageExcelPackage is a good start but died off when the developer quit working on it. ExML picked up from there and added a few features. ExMLExML isn't a bad option, I'm still using it in a couple of production websites.

For all of my new projects, though, I'm using NPOINPOI, the .NET port of Apache POIApache POI. NPOI 2.0 (Alpha)NPOI 2.0 (Alpha) also supports XLSX.

A few options I have used:

If XLSX is a must: ExcelPackage is a good start but died off when the developer quit working on it. ExML picked up from there and added a few features. ExML isn't a bad option, I'm still using it in a couple of production websites.

For all of my new projects, though, I'm using NPOI, the .NET port of Apache POI. NPOI 2.0 (Alpha) also supports XLSX.

A few options I have used:

If XLSX is a must: ExcelPackage is a good start but died off when the developer quit working on it. ExML picked up from there and added a few features. ExML isn't a bad option, I'm still using it in a couple of production websites.

For all of my new projects, though, I'm using NPOI, the .NET port of Apache POI. NPOI 2.0 (Alpha) also supports XLSX.

A few options I have used:

If XLSX is a must: ExcelPackage is a good start but died off when the developer quit working on it. ExML picked up from there and added a few features. ExML isn't a bad option, I'm still using it in a couple of production websites.

For all of my new projects, though, I'm using NPOI, the .NET port of Apache POI. It doesn't have NPOI 2.0 (Alpha) also supports XLSX support yet but it is the only one under active development.

A few options I have used:

If XLSX is a must: ExcelPackage is a good start but died off when the developer quit working on it. ExML picked up from there and added a few features. ExML isn't a bad option, I'm still using it in a couple of production websites.

For all of my new projects, though, I'm using NPOI, the .NET port of Apache POI. It doesn't have XLSX support yet but it is the only one under active development.

A few options I have used:

If XLSX is a must: ExcelPackage is a good start but died off when the developer quit working on it. ExML picked up from there and added a few features. ExML isn't a bad option, I'm still using it in a couple of production websites.

For all of my new projects, though, I'm using NPOI, the .NET port of Apache POI. NPOI 2.0 (Alpha) also supports XLSX.

Post Made Community Wiki
Added hyperlinks that I wasn't allowed to include the first time
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A few options I have used:

If XLSX is a must: ExcelPackageExcelPackage is a good start but died off when the developer quit working on it. ExML picked up from there and added a few features. ExMLExML isn't a bad option, I'm still using it in a couple of production websites.

For all of my new projects, though, I'm using NPOINPOI, the .NET port of Apache POIApache POI. It doesn't have XLSX support yet but it is the only one under active development.

Apparently new users can't add nice hyperlinks so here are the plaintext links to what I'm talking about:

A few options I have used:

If XLSX is a must: ExcelPackage is a good start but died off when the developer quit working on it. ExML picked up from there and added a few features. ExML isn't a bad option, I'm still using it in a couple of production websites.

For all of my new projects, though, I'm using NPOI, the .NET port of Apache POI. It doesn't have XLSX support yet but it is the only one under active development.

Apparently new users can't add nice hyperlinks so here are the plaintext links to what I'm talking about:

A few options I have used:

If XLSX is a must: ExcelPackage is a good start but died off when the developer quit working on it. ExML picked up from there and added a few features. ExML isn't a bad option, I'm still using it in a couple of production websites.

For all of my new projects, though, I'm using NPOI, the .NET port of Apache POI. It doesn't have XLSX support yet but it is the only one under active development.

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