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Matthieu M.
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Ok, I've found the way. The generated callgrind.out file you can convert to dot file using gprof2dotgprof2dot (yes, this tool can parse callgrind files as well). And then you can get the graph image using dot -T<type> -o graphfile.<type>

Ok, I've found the way. The generated callgrind.out file you can convert to dot file using gprof2dot (yes, this tool can parse callgrind files as well). And then you can get the graph image using dot -T<type> -o graphfile.<type>

Ok, I've found the way. The generated callgrind.out file you can convert to dot file using gprof2dot (yes, this tool can parse callgrind files as well). And then you can get the graph image using dot -T<type> -o graphfile.<type>

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Ok, I've found the way. The generated callgrind.out file you can convert to dot file using gprof2dot (yes, this tool can parse callgrind files as well). And then you can get the graph image using dot -T<type> -o graphfile.<type>