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Possible Duplicate:
How can I squash my last X commits together using git?How can I squash my last X commits together using git?

I have a project hosted on GitHub and I have a local clone. I have a load of small commits that I have already pushed up to GitHub. This has all been done using the default *master branch.

I got confused between merge --squash and rebase etc... What is the most straightforward way of combining several historial commits in to one commit so that it pushes up to GitHub?

Possible Duplicate:
How can I squash my last X commits together using git?

I have a project hosted on GitHub and I have a local clone. I have a load of small commits that I have already pushed up to GitHub. This has all been done using the default *master branch.

I got confused between merge --squash and rebase etc... What is the most straightforward way of combining several historial commits in to one commit so that it pushes up to GitHub?

Possible Duplicate:
How can I squash my last X commits together using git?

I have a project hosted on GitHub and I have a local clone. I have a load of small commits that I have already pushed up to GitHub. This has all been done using the default *master branch.

I got confused between merge --squash and rebase etc... What is the most straightforward way of combining several historial commits in to one commit so that it pushes up to GitHub?

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Possible Duplicate:
How can I squash my last X commits together using git?

I have a project hosted on GitHub and I have a local clone. I have a load of small commits that I have already pushed up to GitHub. This has all been done using the default *master branch.

I got confused between merge --squash and rebase etc... What is the most straightforward way of combining several historial commits in to one commit so that it pushes up to GitHub?

I have a project hosted on GitHub and I have a local clone. I have a load of small commits that I have already pushed up to GitHub. This has all been done using the default *master branch.

I got confused between merge --squash and rebase etc... What is the most straightforward way of combining several historial commits in to one commit so that it pushes up to GitHub?

Possible Duplicate:
How can I squash my last X commits together using git?

I have a project hosted on GitHub and I have a local clone. I have a load of small commits that I have already pushed up to GitHub. This has all been done using the default *master branch.

I got confused between merge --squash and rebase etc... What is the most straightforward way of combining several historial commits in to one commit so that it pushes up to GitHub?

Post Closed as "exact duplicate" by Mark Longair, Fred Foo, manojlds, Tamás Szelei, ChrisF
deleted 11 characters in body
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I have a project hosted on GitHub and I have a local clone. I have a load of small commits that I have already pushed up to GitHub. This has all been done using the default *master branch.

I got confused between merge --squash and rebase etc... What is the most straightforward way of combining several historial commits in to one commit so that it pushes up to GitHub?


I have a project hosted on GitHub and I have a local clone. I have a load of small commits that I have already pushed up to GitHub. This has all been done using the default *master branch.

I got confused between merge --squash and rebase etc... What is the most straightforward way of combining several historial commits in to one commit so that it pushes up to GitHub?


I have a project hosted on GitHub and I have a local clone. I have a load of small commits that I have already pushed up to GitHub. This has all been done using the default *master branch.

I got confused between merge --squash and rebase etc... What is the most straightforward way of combining several historial commits in to one commit so that it pushes up to GitHub?

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