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The Flutter pub clean command is currently not functioning, so I've switched to using flutter clean instead.
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In my case, I solved this issue by simply running these commands

  1. flutter pub upgrade --major-versionsflutter pub upgrade --major-versions

  2. flutter pub clean.flutter clean

  3. flutter pub get.flutter pub get

  4. and run it flutter run.flutter run

In my case I did not remove --no-sound-null-safety in run->edit configurations->additional run args:

In my case, I solved this issue by simply running these commands

  1. flutter pub upgrade --major-versions

  2. flutter pub clean.

  3. flutter pub get.

  4. and run it flutter run.

In my case I did not remove --no-sound-null-safety in run->edit configurations->additional run args:

In my case, I solved this issue by simply running these commands

  1. flutter pub upgrade --major-versions

  2. flutter clean

  3. flutter pub get

  4. and run it flutter run

In my case I did not remove --no-sound-null-safety in run->edit configurations->additional run args:

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In my case, I solved this issue by simply running these commands

  1. flutter pub upgrade --major-versions

  2. flutter pub clean.

  3. flutter pub get.

  4. and run it flutter run.

In my case I did not remove --no-sound-null-safety in run->edit configurations->additional run args: