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Tools like gsutil and aws s3 cp won't use multipart uploads/downloads, so will have poor performance for large files.

Skyplane is a much faster alternative for transferring data between clouds (up to 110x for large files). You can transfer data with the command:

skyplane cp -r s3://aws-bucket-name/ gcs://google-bucket-name/

(disclaimer: I am a contributor)

Tools like gsutil and aws s3 cp won't use multipart uploads/downloads, so will have poor performance for large files.

Skyplane is a much faster alternative for transferring data between clouds (up to 110x for large files). You can transfer data with the command:

skyplane cp -r s3://aws-bucket-name/ gcs://google-bucket-name/

Tools like gsutil and aws s3 cp won't use multipart uploads/downloads, so will have poor performance for large files.

Skyplane is a much faster alternative for transferring data between clouds (up to 110x for large files). You can transfer data with the command:

skyplane cp -r s3://aws-bucket-name/ gcs://google-bucket-name/

(disclaimer: I am a contributor)

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Tools like gsutil and aws s3 cp won't use multipart uploads/downloads, so will have poor performance for large files.

Skyplane is a much faster alternative for transferring data between clouds (up to 110x for large files). You can transfer data with the command:

skyplane cp -r s3://aws-bucket-name/ gcs://google-bucket-name/