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Mateen Ulhaq
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I forked a project, applied several fixesmade changes, and created a pull request which was accepted. A few daysNew commits were later, another change was made by another contributor. So my fork doesn't contain that change added to the repository.

  How cando I get that changethose commits into my fork? Do I need to delete and re-create my fork when I have further changes to contribute? Or is there an update button?

I forked a project, applied several fixes and created a pull request which was accepted. A few days later, another change was made by another contributor. So my fork doesn't contain that change.

  How can I get that change into my fork? Do I need to delete and re-create my fork when I have further changes to contribute? Or is there an update button?

I forked a project, made changes, and created a pull request which was accepted. New commits were later added to the repository. How do I get those commits into my fork?

according to [fork] description, it should be used only for POSIX way of creating a new (child) process. [branch] should be used in this case, or, even better, [git-fork].
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Bounty Started worth 50 reputation by Zach
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Gonçalo Peres
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deleted 23 characters in body
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rephrase the question for search-engine-friendly indexing
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Added relevant tag.
Gonçalo Peres
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Notice removed Reward existing answer by Naman
Bounty Ended with Mark Longair's answer chosen by Naman
Notice added Reward existing answer by Naman
Bounty Started worth 450 reputation by Naman
Notice removed Reward existing answer by Naman
Bounty Ended with Mark Longair's answer chosen by Naman
Notice added Reward existing answer by Naman
Bounty Started worth 150 reputation by Naman
deleted 1 character in body
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Nan Xiao
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Second iteration.
Peter Mortensen
  • 31.3k
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Question Protected by Samuel Liew