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Assuming your fork is and original repository is

  1. Visit

  2. If you see green text Able to merge then press Create pull request

  3. On the next page, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Merge pull request and Confirm merge.

Use this code snippet to generate link to sync your forked repository:

new Vue ({
    el: "#app",
    data: {
      yourFork: '',
      originalRepo: ''
    computed: {
      syncLink: function () {
        const yourFork = new URL(this.yourFork).pathname.split('/')
        const originalRepo = new URL(this.originalRepo).pathname.split('/')
        if (yourFork[1] && yourFork[2] && originalRepo[1]) {
          return `${yourFork[1]}/${yourFork[2]}/compare/master...${originalRepo[1]}:master`
        return 'Not enough data'
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
  Your fork URL: <input size=50 v-model="yourFork" /> <br />
  Original repository URL: <input v-model="originalRepo" size=50 /> <br />
  Link to sync your fork: <a :href="syncLink">{{syncLink}}</a>

Assuming your fork is and original repository is

  1. Visit

  2. If you see green text Able to merge then press Create pull request

  3. On the next page, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Merge pull request and Confirm merge.

Assuming your fork is and original repository is

  1. Visit

  2. If you see green text Able to merge then press Create pull request

  3. On the next page, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Merge pull request and Confirm merge.

Use this code snippet to generate link to sync your forked repository:

new Vue ({
    el: "#app",
    data: {
      yourFork: '',
      originalRepo: ''
    computed: {
      syncLink: function () {
        const yourFork = new URL(this.yourFork).pathname.split('/')
        const originalRepo = new URL(this.originalRepo).pathname.split('/')
        if (yourFork[1] && yourFork[2] && originalRepo[1]) {
          return `${yourFork[1]}/${yourFork[2]}/compare/master...${originalRepo[1]}:master`
        return 'Not enough data'
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
  Your fork URL: <input size=50 v-model="yourFork" /> <br />
  Original repository URL: <input v-model="originalRepo" size=50 /> <br />
  Link to sync your fork: <a :href="syncLink">{{syncLink}}</a>

Source Link
  • 5.6k
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  • 31

Assuming your fork is and original repository is

  1. Visit

  2. If you see green text Able to merge then press Create pull request

  3. On the next page, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Merge pull request and Confirm merge.