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How to limit the data recieved from an API?

I am learning AJAX.

I am using vanilla JS

I want to put a limit on the data received through an API eg: 10 objects max.

here is the url:-

The problem is that when I create a GET request then the data which is fetched is huge approx 5000 objects. I want to use limited data so how I go about that.

this is the javaScript code:

const next = document.getElementsByTagName("button"),
     body = document.querySelector("body");


function runEvents(){

function nextBtn(){
   //set up the XMLHTTPObject ajax object
   const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", "", true);

   xhr.onprogress = function(){
       document.getElementsByTagName("img").setAttribute("src", "img/loading.gif");

   xhr.onload = function(){
       if(this.status === 200){
            document.getElementsByTagName("p").textContent = "Data Found"
           //I want to use the data recieved here

           document.getElementsByTagName("img").style.display = "none";
           document.getElementsByTagName("p").textContent = "Data not found";
