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fixed a missing "stash" in the solution
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To temporary save your changes use

git stash

To retrieve them again after switching back use

git stash pop

You can also apply the changes but keep the changes in your stash like follows:

git stash apply

With this command you could apply your changes on multiple branches.


To temporary save your changes use

git stash

To retrieve them again after switching back use

git pop

You can also apply the changes but keep the changes in your stash like follows:

git stash apply

With this command you could apply your changes on multiple branches.


To temporary save your changes use

git stash

To retrieve them again after switching back use

git stash pop

You can also apply the changes but keep the changes in your stash like follows:

git stash apply

With this command you could apply your changes on multiple branches.


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To temporary save your changes use

git stash

To retrieve them again after switching back use

git pop

You can also apply the changes but keep the changes in your stash like follows:

git stash apply

With this command you could apply your changes on multiple branches.
