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Peter Mortensen
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Use this regexregular expression:


I tested it on: test:testvalue test2:test value test3:testvalue3

test:testvalue test2:test value test3:testvalue3

Returns 3It returns three matches:

test2:test value

You can change \w to any character set that can occur in your input.

Code for testing this:

var regex = new Regex(@"\w+:[\w\s]+(?![\w+:])");
var test = "test:testvalue test2:test value test3:testvalue3";

foreach (Match match in regex.Matches(test))
    var key = match.Value.Split(':')[0];
    var value = match.Value.Split(':')[1];

    Console.WriteLine("{0}:{1}", key, value);

EDIT: As Wonko the Sane pointed out, this regexregular expression will fail on values with :. If you predict such situation, use \w+:[\w: ]+?(?![\w+:]) as regexthe regular expression. This will still fail when a colon in valuevalue is preceded by space though... I'll think about solution to this.

Use this regex:


I tested it on: test:testvalue test2:test value test3:testvalue3

Returns 3 matches:

test2:test value

You can change \w to any character set that can occur in your input.

Code for testing this:

var regex = new Regex(@"\w+:[\w\s]+(?![\w+:])");
var test = "test:testvalue test2:test value test3:testvalue3";

foreach (Match match in regex.Matches(test))
    var key = match.Value.Split(':')[0];
    var value = match.Value.Split(':')[1];

    Console.WriteLine("{0}:{1}", key, value);

EDIT: As Wonko the Sane pointed out, this regex will fail on values with :. If you predict such situation use \w+:[\w: ]+?(?![\w+:]) as regex expression. This will still fail when colon in value is preceded by space though... I'll think about solution to this.

Use this regular expression:


I tested it on

test:testvalue test2:test value test3:testvalue3

It returns three matches:

test2:test value

You can change \w to any character set that can occur in your input.

Code for testing this:

var regex = new Regex(@"\w+:[\w\s]+(?![\w+:])");
var test = "test:testvalue test2:test value test3:testvalue3";

foreach (Match match in regex.Matches(test))
    var key = match.Value.Split(':')[0];
    var value = match.Value.Split(':')[1];

    Console.WriteLine("{0}:{1}", key, value);

As Wonko the Sane pointed out, this regular expression will fail on values with :. If you predict such situation, use \w+:[\w: ]+?(?![\w+:]) as the regular expression. This will still fail when a colon in value is preceded by space though... I'll think about solution to this.

Added regex for values with colons.; added 1 characters in body
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Use this regex:


I tested it on: test:testvalue test2:test value test3:testvalue3

Returns 3 matches:

test2:test value

You can change \w to any character set that can occur in your input.

Code for testing this:

var regex = new Regex(@"\w+:[\w\s]+(?![\w+:])");
var test = "test:testvalue test2:test value test3:testvalue3";

foreach (Match match in regex.Matches(test))
    var key = match.Value.Split(':')[0];
    var value = match.Value.Split(':')[1];

    Console.WriteLine("{0}:{1}", key, value);

EDIT: As Wonko the Sane pointed out, this regex will fail on values with :. If you predict such situation use \w+:[\w: ]+?(?![\w+:]) as regex expression. This will still fail when colon in value is preceded by space though... I'll think about solution to this.

Use this regex:


I tested it on: test:testvalue test2:test value test3:testvalue3

Returns 3 matches:

test2:test value

You can change \w to any character set that can occur in your input.

Code for testing this:

var regex = new Regex(@"\w+:[\w\s]+(?![\w+:])");
var test = "test:testvalue test2:test value test3:testvalue3";

foreach (Match match in regex.Matches(test))
    var key = match.Value.Split(':')[0];
    var value = match.Value.Split(':')[1];

    Console.WriteLine("{0}:{1}", key, value);

Use this regex:


I tested it on: test:testvalue test2:test value test3:testvalue3

Returns 3 matches:

test2:test value

You can change \w to any character set that can occur in your input.

Code for testing this:

var regex = new Regex(@"\w+:[\w\s]+(?![\w+:])");
var test = "test:testvalue test2:test value test3:testvalue3";

foreach (Match match in regex.Matches(test))
    var key = match.Value.Split(':')[0];
    var value = match.Value.Split(':')[1];

    Console.WriteLine("{0}:{1}", key, value);

EDIT: As Wonko the Sane pointed out, this regex will fail on values with :. If you predict such situation use \w+:[\w: ]+?(?![\w+:]) as regex expression. This will still fail when colon in value is preceded by space though... I'll think about solution to this.

Added example code
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  • 4.5k
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  • 62

Use this regex:


I tested it on: test:testvalue test2:test value test3:testvalue3

Returns 3 matches:

test2:test value

You can change \w to any character set that can occur in your input.

Code for testing this:

var regex = new Regex(@"\w+:[\w\s]+(?![\w+:])");
var test = "test:testvalue test2:test value test3:testvalue3";

foreach (Match match in regex.Matches(test))
    var key = match.Value.Split(':')[0];
    var value = match.Value.Split(':')[1];

    Console.WriteLine("{0}:{1}", key, value);

Use this regex:


I tested it on: test:testvalue test2:test value test3:testvalue3

Returns 3 matches:

test2:test value

You can change \w to any character set that can occur in your input.

Use this regex:


I tested it on: test:testvalue test2:test value test3:testvalue3

Returns 3 matches:

test2:test value

You can change \w to any character set that can occur in your input.

Code for testing this:

var regex = new Regex(@"\w+:[\w\s]+(?![\w+:])");
var test = "test:testvalue test2:test value test3:testvalue3";

foreach (Match match in regex.Matches(test))
    var key = match.Value.Split(':')[0];
    var value = match.Value.Split(':')[1];

    Console.WriteLine("{0}:{1}", key, value);
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  • 4.5k
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