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Constant const: Can't be changed anywhere.

Read only readonly: This value can only be changechanged in the contstructorconstructor. Can't be changechanged in normal functions.

Constant : Can't be changed anywhere.

Read only : This value can only be change in the contstructor. Can't be change in normal functions.

const: Can't be changed anywhere.

readonly: This value can only be changed in the constructor. Can't be changed in normal functions.

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Hans Olsson
  • 54.8k
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Constant : can'tCan't be change any wherechanged anywhere.

readRead only : thisThis value can only be change in the contractorcontstructor. can'tCan't be change in normal functions.

Constant : can't be change any where.

read only : this value can only be change in the contractor. can't be change in normal functions

Constant : Can't be changed anywhere.

Read only : This value can only be change in the contstructor. Can't be change in normal functions.

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  • 521
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Constant : can't be change any where.

read only : this value can only be change in the contractor. can't be change in normal functions