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function yourfunction($a,$z){
   if($a<$z){ throw new <YOUR_EXCEPTION>; }

here is the test

class FunctionTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase{

   public function testException(){

      yourfunction(1,2);//add vars that cosecause the exception 


function yourfunction($a,$z){
   if($a<$z){ throw new <YOUR_EXCEPTION>; }

here is the test

class FunctionTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase{

   public function testException(){

      yourfunction(1,2);//add vars that cose the exception 


function yourfunction($a,$z){
   if($a<$z){ throw new <YOUR_EXCEPTION>; }

here is the test

class FunctionTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase{

   public function testException(){

      yourfunction(1,2);//add vars that cause the exception 


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function yourfunction($a,$z){
   if($a<$z){ throw new <YOUR_EXCEPTION>; }

here is the test

class FunctionTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase{

   public function testException(){

      yourfunction(1,2);//add vars that cose the exception 

