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If you want to display the image with original size, but don't know the image size, I think the best way is to set the image as background of UIElement. Like this:

    <Button><Button Height="100" Width="100">
            <ImageBrush ImageSource="/images/user_add.png" Stretch="None"/>

If you want to display the image with original size, but don't know the image size, I think the best way is to set the image as background of UIElement. Like this:

            <ImageBrush ImageSource="/images/user_add.png" Stretch="None"/>

If you want to display the image with original size, but don't know the image size, I think the best way is to set the image as background of UIElement. Like this:

    <Button Height="100" Width="100">
            <ImageBrush ImageSource="/images/user_add.png" Stretch="None"/>
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If you want to display the image with original size, but don't know the image size, I think the best way is to set the image as background of UIElement. Like this:

            <ImageBrush ImageSource="/images/user_add.png" Stretch="None"/>