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function bufferToBinaryString(arrayBuffer){
    return String.fromCharCode( Uint8Array(arrayBuffer));
(async () => console.log(btoa(bufferToBinaryString(await new Response(blob).arrayBuffer()))))();


function bufferToBinaryString(arrayBuffer){
    return String.fromCharCode( Uint8Array(arrayBuffer));
new Response(blob).arrayBuffer().then(arr_buf => console.log(btoa(bufferToBinaryString(arr_buf)))))

see Response's constructor, you can turn [blob, buffer source form data, readable stream, etc.] into Response, which can then be turned into [json, text, array buffer, blob] with async method/callbacks.

edit: as @Ralph mentioned, turning everything into utf-8 string causes problems (unfortunately Response API doesn't provide a way converting to binary string), so array buffer is use as intermediate instead, which requires two more steps (converting it to byte array THEN to binary string), if you insist on using native btoa method.

function bufferToBinaryString(arrayBuffer){
    return String.fromCharCode( Uint8Array(arrayBuffer));
(async () => console.log(btoa(bufferToBinaryString(await new Response(blob).arrayBuffer()))))();


function bufferToBinaryString(arrayBuffer){
    return String.fromCharCode( Uint8Array(arrayBuffer));
new Response(blob).arrayBuffer().then(arr_buf => console.log(btoa(bufferToBinaryString(arr_buf)))))

see Response's constructor, you can turn [blob, buffer source form data, readable stream, etc.] into Response, which can then be turned into [json, text, array buffer, blob] with async method/callbacks.

function bufferToBinaryString(arrayBuffer){
    return String.fromCharCode( Uint8Array(arrayBuffer));
(async () => console.log(btoa(bufferToBinaryString(await new Response(blob).arrayBuffer()))))();


function bufferToBinaryString(arrayBuffer){
    return String.fromCharCode( Uint8Array(arrayBuffer));
new Response(blob).arrayBuffer().then(arr_buf => console.log(btoa(bufferToBinaryString(arr_buf)))))

see Response's constructor, you can turn [blob, buffer source form data, readable stream, etc.] into Response, which can then be turned into [json, text, array buffer, blob] with async method/callbacks.

edit: as @Ralph mentioned, turning everything into utf-8 string causes problems (unfortunately Response API doesn't provide a way converting to binary string), so array buffer is use as intermediate instead, which requires two more steps (converting it to byte array THEN to binary string), if you insist on using native btoa method.

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function bufferToBinaryString(arrayBuffer){
    return String.fromCharCode( Uint8Array(arrayBuffer));
(async () => console.log(btoa(bufferToBinaryString(await new Response(blob).textarrayBuffer()))))();


function bufferToBinaryString(arrayBuffer){
    return String.fromCharCode( Uint8Array(arrayBuffer));
new Response(blob).textarrayBuffer().then(tarr_buf => console.log(btoa(tbufferToBinaryString(arr_buf)))))

see Response's constructor, you can turn [blob, buffer source form data, readable stream, etc.] into Response, which can then be turned into [json, text, array buffer, blob] with async method/callbacks.

(async () => console.log(btoa(await new Response(blob).text())))();


new Response(blob).text().then(t => console.log(btoa(t)))

see Response's constructor, you can turn [blob, buffer source form data, readable stream, etc.] into Response, which can then be turned into [json, text, array buffer, blob] with async method/callbacks.

function bufferToBinaryString(arrayBuffer){
    return String.fromCharCode( Uint8Array(arrayBuffer));
(async () => console.log(btoa(bufferToBinaryString(await new Response(blob).arrayBuffer()))))();


function bufferToBinaryString(arrayBuffer){
    return String.fromCharCode( Uint8Array(arrayBuffer));
new Response(blob).arrayBuffer().then(arr_buf => console.log(btoa(bufferToBinaryString(arr_buf)))))

see Response's constructor, you can turn [blob, buffer source form data, readable stream, etc.] into Response, which can then be turned into [json, text, array buffer, blob] with async method/callbacks.

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(async () => console.log(btoa(await new Response(blob).text())))();


new Response(blob).text().then(t => console.log(btoa(t)))

see Response's constructor, you can turn [blob, buffer source form data, readable stream, etc.] into Response, which can then be turned into [json, text, array buffer, blob] whichwith async method/callbacks.

(async () => console.log(btoa(await new Response(blob).text())))();


new Response(blob).text().then(t => console.log(btoa(t)))

see Response's constructor, you can turn [blob, buffer source form data, readable stream, etc.] into Response, which can then be turned into [json, text, array buffer, blob] which async method/callbacks.

(async () => console.log(btoa(await new Response(blob).text())))();


new Response(blob).text().then(t => console.log(btoa(t)))

see Response's constructor, you can turn [blob, buffer source form data, readable stream, etc.] into Response, which can then be turned into [json, text, array buffer, blob] with async method/callbacks.

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