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How to get model data after when save ( CakePHP )

I want to get the latest data from the model after when save but don't needit has saved without doing another select  . Now i

Currently I do like this:

if ($this->Model->save($data)){
      $last = $this->Model->find('first',array('conditions'=>array
        'conditions' => array(''=>$thisid' => $this->Model->id));
  $last['Model']['dataChangeByBehaviors'];  $last['Model']['dataChangedByBehaviors']; //-- <-- data I want get this

iI want to get any data that don't need select as above examplewas set in model callbacks or behaviors without performing an extra find.

How to get data after when save ( CakePHP )

I want get data after when save but don't need select  . Now i do like this:

if ($this->Model->save($data)){
      $last = $this->Model->find('first',array('conditions'=>array(''=>$this->Model->id));
      $last['Model']['dataChangeByBehaviors'];  //---- I want get this

i want get data that don't need select as above example.

How to get model data after save ( CakePHP )

I want to get the latest data from the model after it has saved without doing another select.

Currently I do this:

if ($this->Model->save($data)){
    $last = $this->Model->find('first',array(
        'conditions' => array('' => $this->Model->id)
    $last['Model']['dataChangedByBehaviors']; // <-- data I want

I want to get any data that was set in model callbacks or behaviors without performing an extra find.

Post Closed as "not a real question" by hakre, BastiBen, Mario S, Maerlyn, Nope
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How to get data after when save ( CakePHP )

I want get data after when save but don't need select . Now i do like this:

if ($this->Model->save($data)){
      $last = $this->Model->find('first',array('conditions'=>array(''=>$this->Model->id));
      $last['Model']['dataChangeByBehaviors'];  //---- I want get this

i want get data that don't need select as above example.