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#No pressing enter required

No pressing enter required

#No pressing enter required

No pressing enter required

Add ` [y/n]?` prompt to `get_yes_keypress`
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Tom Hale
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$ get_yes_keypress "Here you cannot press enter. Do you like this? "this"
Here you cannot press enter. Do you like this [y/n]? k
Here you cannot press enter. Do you like this [y/n]?
Here you cannot press enter. Do you like this [y/n]? n
$ echo $?

Here, 1 or false was returned. Note no capitalisation in [y/n]? is added here as this is a lower level function.

# Read a single char from /dev/tty, prompting with "$*"
# Note: pressing enter will return a null string. Perhaps a version terminated with X and then remove it in caller?
# See for dealing with multi-byte, etc.
function get_keypress {
  local REPLY IFS=
  >/dev/tty printf '%s' "$*"
  [[ $ZSH_VERSION ]] && read -rk1  # Use -u0 to read from STDIN
  # See regarding '\n' -> ''
  [[ $BASH_VERSION ]] && </dev/tty read -rn1
  printf '%s' "$REPLY"

# Get a y/n from the user, return yes=0, no=1 enter=$2
# Prompt withusing $1.
# If set, return $2 on pressing enter, useful for cancel or defualting
function get_yes_keypress {
  local prompt=$1prompt="${1:-Are you sure} [y/n]? "
  local enter_return=$2
  local REPLY
  # [[ ! $prompt ]] && prompt="[y/n]? "
  while REPLY=$(get_keypress "$prompt"); do
    [[ $REPLY ]] && printf '\n' # $REPLY blank if user presses enter
    case "$REPLY" in
      Y|y)  return 0;;
      N|n)  return 1;;
      '')   [[ $enter_return ]] && return "$enter_return"
export_function get_yes_keypress
# Credit:
# Prompt to confirm, defaulting to NO on <enter>
# Usage: confirm "Dangerous. Are you sure?" && rm *
function confirm {
  local prompt="${*:-Are you sure} [y/N]? "
  get_yes_keypress "$prompt" 1

# Prompt to confirm, defaulting to YES on <enter>
function confirm_yes {
  local prompt="${*:-Are you sure} [Y/n]? "
  get_yes_keypress "$prompt" 0
$ get_yes_keypress "Here you cannot press enter. Do you like this? "
Here you cannot press enter. Do you like this? k
Here you cannot press enter. Do you like this?
Here you cannot press enter. Do you like this? n

Note no [y/n]? is added here as this is a lower level function.

# Read a single char from /dev/tty, prompting with "$*"
# Note: pressing enter will return a null string. Perhaps a version terminated with X and then remove it in caller?
# See for dealing with multi-byte, etc.
function get_keypress {
  local REPLY IFS=
  >/dev/tty printf '%s' "$*"
  [[ $ZSH_VERSION ]] && read -rk1  # Use -u0 to read from STDIN
  # See regarding '\n' -> ''
  [[ $BASH_VERSION ]] && </dev/tty read -rn1
  printf '%s' "$REPLY"

# Get a y/n from the user, return yes=0, no=1 enter=$2
# Prompt with $1. If set, return $2 on pressing enter
function get_yes_keypress {
  local prompt=$1
  local enter_return=$2
  local REPLY
  [[ ! $prompt ]] && prompt="[y/n]? "
  while REPLY=$(get_keypress "$prompt"); do
    [[ $REPLY ]] && printf '\n' # $REPLY blank if user presses enter
    case "$REPLY" in
      Y|y)  return 0;;
      N|n)  return 1;;
      '')   [[ $enter_return ]] && return "$enter_return"
export_function get_yes_keypress
# Prompt to confirm, defaulting to NO on <enter>
# Usage: confirm "Dangerous. Are you sure?" && rm *
function confirm {
  local prompt="${*:-Are you sure} [y/N]? "
  get_yes_keypress "$prompt" 1

# Prompt to confirm, defaulting to YES on <enter>
function confirm_yes {
  local prompt="${*:-Are you sure} [Y/n]? "
  get_yes_keypress "$prompt" 0
$ get_yes_keypress "Here you cannot press enter. Do you like this"
Here you cannot press enter. Do you like this [y/n]? k
Here you cannot press enter. Do you like this [y/n]?
Here you cannot press enter. Do you like this [y/n]? n
$ echo $?

Here, 1 or false was returned. Note no capitalisation in [y/n]?

# Read a single char from /dev/tty, prompting with "$*"
# Note: pressing enter will return a null string. Perhaps a version terminated with X and then remove it in caller?
# See for dealing with multi-byte, etc.
function get_keypress {
  local REPLY IFS=
  >/dev/tty printf '%s' "$*"
  [[ $ZSH_VERSION ]] && read -rk1  # Use -u0 to read from STDIN
  # See regarding '\n' -> ''
  [[ $BASH_VERSION ]] && </dev/tty read -rn1
  printf '%s' "$REPLY"

# Get a y/n from the user, return yes=0, no=1 enter=$2
# Prompt using $1.
# If set, return $2 on pressing enter, useful for cancel or defualting
function get_yes_keypress {
  local prompt="${1:-Are you sure} [y/n]? "
  local enter_return=$2
  local REPLY
  # [[ ! $prompt ]] && prompt="[y/n]? "
  while REPLY=$(get_keypress "$prompt"); do
    [[ $REPLY ]] && printf '\n' # $REPLY blank if user presses enter
    case "$REPLY" in
      Y|y)  return 0;;
      N|n)  return 1;;
      '')   [[ $enter_return ]] && return "$enter_return"
# Credit:
# Prompt to confirm, defaulting to NO on <enter>
# Usage: confirm "Dangerous. Are you sure?" && rm *
function confirm {
  local prompt="${*:-Are you sure} [y/N]? "
  get_yes_keypress "$prompt" 1

# Prompt to confirm, defaulting to YES on <enter>
function confirm_yes {
  local prompt="${*:-Are you sure} [Y/n]? "
  get_yes_keypress "$prompt" 0
added 109 characters in body
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Tom Hale
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$ confirm "Show dangerous command? "command" && echo "rm *"
Show dangerous command?  [y/N]?

TheAlso note, that [y/N]? was automatically appended. The default "no" is accepted, so nothing is echoed.

$ confirm "Show dangerous command? "command" && echo "rm *"
Show dangerous command?  [y/N]? X
Show dangerous command?  [y/N]? y
rm *

Note that the Y is capitalsedcapitalised:

$ confirm_yes "Show dangerous command? "command" && echo "rm *"
Show dangerous command?  [Y/n]?
rm *

Note no [y/n]? is added here as this is a lower level function.

$ confirm "Show dangerous command? " && echo "rm *"
Show dangerous command?  [y/N]?

The default "no" is accepted, so nothing is echoed.

$ confirm "Show dangerous command? " && echo "rm *"
Show dangerous command?  [y/N]? X
Show dangerous command?  [y/N]? y
rm *

Note that the Y is capitalsed:

$ confirm_yes "Show dangerous command? " && echo "rm *"
Show dangerous command?  [Y/n]?
rm *
$ confirm "Show dangerous command" && echo "rm *"
Show dangerous command [y/N]?

Also note, that [y/N]? was automatically appended. The default "no" is accepted, so nothing is echoed.

$ confirm "Show dangerous command" && echo "rm *"
Show dangerous command [y/N]? X
Show dangerous command [y/N]? y
rm *

Note that the Y is capitalised:

$ confirm_yes "Show dangerous command" && echo "rm *"
Show dangerous command [Y/n]?
rm *

Note no [y/n]? is added here as this is a lower level function.

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Tom Hale
  • 45.1k
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