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Simple test vs PHPunitSimple test vs PHPunit

I'm new to good practices on software development. I need to know with witch testing unit framework should I use. I have see that some people use PHPUnit and others use SimpleTest. What package should I choose for a beginner?

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Possible Duplicate:
Simple test vs PHPunit

I'm new to good practices on software development. I need to know with witch testing unit framework should I use. I have see that some people use PHPUnit and others use SimpleTest. What package should I choose for a beginner?

Best Regards,

Possible Duplicate:
Simple test vs PHPunit

I'm new to good practices on software development. I need to know with witch testing unit framework should I use. I have see that some people use PHPUnit and others use SimpleTest. What package should I choose for a beginner?

Best Regards,

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Possible Duplicate:
Simple test vs PHPunit

I'm new to good practices on software development. I need to know with witch testing unit framework should I use. I have see that some people use PHPUnit and others use SimpleTest. What package should I choose for a beginner?

Best Regards,

I'm new to good practices on software development. I need to know with witch testing unit framework should I use. I have see that some people use PHPUnit and others use SimpleTest. What package should I choose for a beginner?

Best Regards,

Possible Duplicate:
Simple test vs PHPunit

I'm new to good practices on software development. I need to know with witch testing unit framework should I use. I have see that some people use PHPUnit and others use SimpleTest. What package should I choose for a beginner?

Best Regards,

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What unit testing in PHP to start

I'm new to good practices on software development. I need to know with witch testing unit framework should I use. I have see that some people use PHPUnit and others use SimpleTest. What package should I choose for a beginner?

Best Regards,