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It's an asynchronousasynchronous request, meaning once it's sent it's out there.

In case your server is starting a very expensive operation due to the AJAXAJAX request, the best you can do is open your server to listen for cancel requests, and send a separate AJAXAJAX request notifying the server to stop whatever it's doing.

Otherwise, simply ignore the AJAXAJAX response.

It's an asynchronous request, meaning once it's sent it's out there.

In case your server is starting a very expensive operation due to the AJAX request, the best you can do is open your server to listen for cancel requests, and send a separate AJAX request notifying the server to stop whatever it's doing.

Otherwise, simply ignore the AJAX response.

It's an asynchronous request, meaning once it's sent it's out there.

In case your server is starting a very expensive operation due to the AJAX request, the best you can do is open your server to listen for cancel requests, and send a separate AJAX request notifying the server to stop whatever it's doing.

Otherwise, simply ignore the AJAX response.

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Yuval Adam
  • 164.1k
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It's an asynchronous request, meaning once it's sent it's out there.

In case your server is starting a very expensive operation due to the AJAX request, the best you can do is open your server to listen for cancel requests, and send a separate AJAX request notifying the server to stop whatever it's doing.

Otherwise, simply ignore the AJAX response.