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Open your AppServiceProvider class, boot() method and insert this code:

View::composer('*', function ($view) {
    $view_name = str_replace('.', ' ', $view->getName());
    View::share('view_name', $view_name);

Then you can access $view_name variable in your view.

Regarding @Stuart answer, use $view->getName() will returns exactly view path with dot notation. For example, you view is under resources/views/settings/index directory, your view name is: settings.index.

So then? the class name will contains dot character means that is little more confusing whilst writing CSS. See this thread: Styling elements with a dot (.) in the class nameStyling elements with a dot (.) in the class name

By replacing . with space, the class name in above example will becomes settings index and you can use .settings selector, or .index selector, or .setting.index selector.

Custom Class Name

The above method is for automatically generate class name, you have many methods:

@yield() and @section()

<body class="@yield('body-class')">

Then in your views:

@section('body-class', 'your-class-name')

@stack() and @push()

Since Laravel 5.4, you can use @stack and @push, this allows you push as many time as you want.

<body class="@stack('body-class')">

Then in your views

@push('body-class', 'your-class-name')
@push('body-class', ' another-class-name')

Open your AppServiceProvider class, boot() method and insert this code:

View::composer('*', function ($view) {
    $view_name = str_replace('.', ' ', $view->getName());
    View::share('view_name', $view_name);

Then you can access $view_name variable in your view.

Regarding @Stuart answer, use $view->getName() will returns exactly view path with dot notation. For example, you view is under resources/views/settings/index directory, your view name is: settings.index.

So then? the class name will contains dot character means that is little more confusing whilst writing CSS. See this thread: Styling elements with a dot (.) in the class name

By replacing . with space, the class name in above example will becomes settings index and you can use .settings selector, or .index selector, or .setting.index selector.

Custom Class Name

The above method is for automatically generate class name, you have many methods:

@yield() and @section()

<body class="@yield('body-class')">

Then in your views:

@section('body-class', 'your-class-name')

@stack() and @push()

Since Laravel 5.4, you can use @stack and @push, this allows you push as many time as you want.

<body class="@stack('body-class')">

Then in your views

@push('body-class', 'your-class-name')
@push('body-class', ' another-class-name')

Open your AppServiceProvider class, boot() method and insert this code:

View::composer('*', function ($view) {
    $view_name = str_replace('.', ' ', $view->getName());
    View::share('view_name', $view_name);

Then you can access $view_name variable in your view.

Regarding @Stuart answer, use $view->getName() will returns exactly view path with dot notation. For example, you view is under resources/views/settings/index directory, your view name is: settings.index.

So then? the class name will contains dot character means that is little more confusing whilst writing CSS. See this thread: Styling elements with a dot (.) in the class name

By replacing . with space, the class name in above example will becomes settings index and you can use .settings selector, or .index selector, or .setting.index selector.

Custom Class Name

The above method is for automatically generate class name, you have many methods:

@yield() and @section()

<body class="@yield('body-class')">

Then in your views:

@section('body-class', 'your-class-name')

@stack() and @push()

Since Laravel 5.4, you can use @stack and @push, this allows you push as many time as you want.

<body class="@stack('body-class')">

Then in your views

@push('body-class', 'your-class-name')
@push('body-class', ' another-class-name')
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Tan Nguyen
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Open your AppServiceProvider class, boot() method and insert this code:

View::composer('*', function ($view) {
    $view_name = str_replace('.', ' ', $view->getName());
    View::share('view_name', $view_name);

Then you can access $view_name variable in your view.

Regarding @Stuard@Stuart answer, use $view->getName() will returns exactly view path with dot notation. For example, you view is under resources/views/settings/index directory, your view name is: settings.index.

So then? the class name will contains dot character means that is little more confusing whilst writing CSS. See this thread: Styling elements with a dot (.) in the class name

By replacing . with space, the class name in above example will becomes settings index and you can use .settings selector, or .index selector, or .setting.index selector.

Custom Class Name

The above method is for automatically generate class name, you have many methods:

@yield and @section

@yield() and @section()

<body class="@yield('body-class')">

Then in your views:

@section('body-class', 'your-class-name')

Since Laravel 5.4, you can use @stack and @push, this allows you push as many time as you want.

@stack() and @push()

Since Laravel 5.4, you can use @stack and @push, this allows you push as many time as you want.

<body class="@stack('body-class')">

Then in your views

@push('body-class', 'your-class-name')
@push('body-class', ' another-class-name')

Open your AppServiceProvider class, boot() method and insert this code:

View::composer('*', function ($view) {
    $view_name = str_replace('.', ' ', $view->getName());
    View::share('view_name', $view_name);

Regarding @Stuard answer, use $view->getName() will returns exactly view path with dot notation. For example, you view is under resources/views/settings/index directory, your view name is: settings.index.

So then? the class name will contains dot character means that is little more confusing whilst writing CSS. See this thread: Styling elements with a dot (.) in the class name

By replacing . with space, the class name in above example will becomes settings index and you can use .settings selector, or .index selector, or .setting.index selector.

Custom Class Name

The above method is for automatically generate class name, you have many methods:

@yield and @section

<body class="@yield('body-class')">

Then in your views:

@section('body-class', 'your-class-name')

Since Laravel 5.4, you can use @stack and @push, this allows you push as many time as you want.

<body class="@stack('body-class')">

Then in your views

@push('body-class', 'your-class-name')
@push('body-class', ' another-class-name')

Open your AppServiceProvider class, boot() method and insert this code:

View::composer('*', function ($view) {
    $view_name = str_replace('.', ' ', $view->getName());
    View::share('view_name', $view_name);

Then you can access $view_name variable in your view.

Regarding @Stuart answer, use $view->getName() will returns exactly view path with dot notation. For example, you view is under resources/views/settings/index directory, your view name is: settings.index.

So then? the class name will contains dot character means that is little more confusing whilst writing CSS. See this thread: Styling elements with a dot (.) in the class name

By replacing . with space, the class name in above example will becomes settings index and you can use .settings selector, or .index selector, or .setting.index selector.

Custom Class Name

The above method is for automatically generate class name, you have many methods:

@yield() and @section()

<body class="@yield('body-class')">

Then in your views:

@section('body-class', 'your-class-name')

@stack() and @push()

Since Laravel 5.4, you can use @stack and @push, this allows you push as many time as you want.

<body class="@stack('body-class')">

Then in your views

@push('body-class', 'your-class-name')
@push('body-class', ' another-class-name')
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Tan Nguyen
  • 1.8k
  • 1
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  • 10

Open your AppServiceProvider class, boot() method and insert this code:

View::composer('*', function ($view) {
    $view_name = str_replace('.', ' ', $view->getName());
    View::share('view_name', $view_name);

Regarding @Stuard answer, use $view->getName() will returns exactly view path with dot notation. For example, you view is under resources/views/settings/index directory, your view name is: settings.index.

So then? the class name will contains dot character means that is little more confusing whilst writing CSS. See this thread: Styling elements with a dot (.) in the class name

By replacing . with space, the class name in above example will becomes settings index and you can use .settings selector, or .index selector, or .setting.index selector.

Custom Class Name

The above method is for automatically generate class name, you have many methods:

@yield and @section

<body class="@yield('body-class')">

Then in your views:

@section('body-class', 'your-class-name')

Since Laravel 5.4, you can use @stack and @push, this allows you push as many time as you want.

<body class="@stack('body-class')">

Then in your views

@push('body-class', 'your-class-name')
@push('body-class', ' another-class-name')