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css, disableddisable display: none;

iI have this situation in my code:

<!-- This is the global CSS file -->
<style type="text/css">
    display: none;
<!-- This is loaclthe local CSS file (work only in this page)-->
<style type="text/css">
    /* HowHowever disabledto disable display: none;*/    
<div id = "show_div">
    Text text

I alwaysusually need to hide the tablethis element, but on one page, sometimesI need to show it. In blobalglobal css file isI have:

    display: none;

how disabled display: none;How can I disable display: none;? I can not use jQuery, $('#show_div').show(); (or JavaScripJavaScript).


If you do not understand my problem, then I apologize. I can try to explain again.

css, disabled display: none;

i have this situation in my code:

<style type="text/css">
    display: none;
<!-- This is loacl CSS file (work only in this page)-->
<style type="text/css">
    /* How disabled display: none;*/    
<div id = "show_div">
    Text text

I always need to hide the table, but one page, sometimes show. In blobal css file is:

    display: none;

how disabled display: none;? I can not use jQuery, $('#show_div').show(); (or JavaScrip).


If you do not understand my problem, then I apologize. I can try to explain again.

css, disable display: none;

I have this situation in my code:

<!-- This is the global CSS file -->
<style type="text/css">
    display: none;
<!-- This is the local CSS file (only in this page)-->
<style type="text/css">
    /* However to disable display: none;*/  
<div id = "show_div">
    Text text

I usually need to hide this element, but on one page, I need to show it. In global css file I have:

    display: none;

How can I disable display: none;? I can not use jQuery, $('#show_div').show(); (or JavaScript).


If you do not understand my problem, then I apologize. I can try to explain again.

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css, disabled display: none;

i have this situation in my code:

<style type="text/css">
    display: none;
<!-- This is loacl CSS file (work only in this page)-->
<style type="text/css">
    /* How disabled display: none;*/    
<div id = "show_div">
    Text text

I always need to hide the table, but one page, sometimes show. In blobal css file is:

    display: none;

how disabled display: none;? I can not use jQuery, $('#show_div').show(); (or JavaScrip).


If you do not understand my problem, then I apologize. I can try to explain again.