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The accepted answer will also list the files that exist in both directories, but arehave different content. To list onlyONLY the files that exist in dir1 you can use:

diff -r dir1 dir2 | grep 'Only in' | grep dir1 | awk '{print $4}' > difference1.txt


  • diff -r dir1 dir2 : compare
  • grep 'Only in': get lines that contain 'Only in'
  • grep dir1 : get lines that contain dir

The accepted answer will also list the files that exist in both directories, but are different. To list only the files that exist in dir1 you can use:

diff -r dir1 dir2 | grep 'Only in' | grep dir1 | awk '{print $4}' > difference1.txt

The accepted answer will also list the files that exist in both directories, but have different content. To list ONLY the files that exist in dir1 you can use:

diff -r dir1 dir2 | grep 'Only in' | grep dir1 | awk '{print $4}' > difference1.txt


  • diff -r dir1 dir2 : compare
  • grep 'Only in': get lines that contain 'Only in'
  • grep dir1 : get lines that contain dir
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The accepted answer will also list the files that exist in both directories, but are different. To list only the files that exist in dir1 you can use:

diff -r dir1 dir2 | grep 'Only in' | grep dir1 | awk '{print $4}' > difference1.txt