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Second iteration.
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Peter Mortensen
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Bill Parker is getting voted down, because his definitions are reversed from the normal code convention. Normally, true is defined as 0 and false is defined as nonzero. 1 will work for false, as will 9999 and -1. SameThe same with function return values - 0 is success and anything nonzero is failure. Sorry, I don't have the street credibility yet to vote or to reply to him directly.

Bill Parker is getting voted down, because his definitions are reversed from the normal code convention. Normally, true is defined as 0 and false is defined as nonzero. 1 will work for false, as will 9999 and -1. Same with function return values - 0 is success and anything nonzero is failure. Sorry I don't have the street credibility yet to vote or to reply to him directly.

Bill Parker is getting voted down, because his definitions are reversed from the normal code convention. Normally, true is defined as 0 and false is defined as nonzero. 1 will work for false, as will 9999 and -1. The same with function return values - 0 is success and anything nonzero is failure. Sorry, I don't have the street credibility yet to vote or to reply to him directly.

Second iteration. Made compliant with the Jon Skeet Decree - <>.
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Peter Mortensen
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Bill Parker is getting voted down, because his definitions are reversed from the normal code convention. Normally, true is defined as 0 and false is defined as nonzero. 1 will work for false, as will 9999 and -1. Same with function return values - 0 is success and anything nonzero is failure. Sorry I don't have the street credibility yet to vote or to reply to him directly.

There are other permutations of the conditional which will give wrong output as well. Basically, anything (other than the error condition listed above) that sets a variable to a numerical value and compares it to a true/false builtin, or sets a variable to a true/false builtin and compares it to a numerical value. Also, anything that sets a variable to a true/false builtin and does a comparison using -eq. So avoid -eq for booleanBoolean comparisons and avoid using numerical values for Boolean comparisons. Here's a summary of the permutations that will give invalid results:

#With# With variable set as an integer and evaluating to true/false
#***# *** This will issue error warning and not run: *****
if [ "${The_world_is_flat}" -eq true ]; then

#With# With variable set as an integer and evaluating to true/false
#***# *** These statements will not evaluate properly: *****
if [ "${The_world_is_flat}" -eq true ]; then
if [[ "${The_world_is_flat}" -eq true ]]; then
if [ "${The_world_is_flat}" = true ]; then
if [[ "${The_world_is_flat}" = true ]]; then
if [ "${The_world_is_flat}" == true ]; then
if [[ "${The_world_is_flat}" == true ]]; then

#With# With variable set as an true/false builtin and evaluating to true/false
#***# *** These statements will not evaluate properly: *****
if [[ "${The_world_is_flat}" -eq true ]]; then
if [ "${The_world_is_flat}" = 0 ]; then
if [[ "${The_world_is_flat}" = 0 ]]; then
if [ "${The_world_is_flat}" == 0 ]; then
if [[ "${The_world_is_flat}" == 0 ]]; then
#With# With variable set as an integer and evaluating to true/false
#***# *** These statements will work properly: *****
if [ "${The_world_is_flat}" = true ]; then
if [[ "${The_world_is_flat}" = true ]]; then
if [ "${The_world_is_flat}" = true ]; then
if [[ "${The_world_is_flat}" == true ]]; then

Bill Parker is getting voted down, because his definitions are reversed from normal code convention. Normally, true is defined as 0 and false is defined as nonzero. 1 will work for false, as will 9999 and -1. Same with function return values - 0 is success and anything nonzero is failure. Sorry I don't have the street credibility yet to vote or to reply to him directly.

There are other permutations of the conditional which will give wrong output as well. Basically, anything (other than the error condition listed above) that sets a variable to a numerical value and compares it to a true/false builtin, or sets a variable to a true/false builtin and compares it to a numerical value. Also, anything that sets a variable to a true/false builtin and does a comparison using -eq. So avoid -eq for boolean comparisons and avoid using numerical values for Boolean comparisons. Here's a summary of the permutations that will give invalid results:

#With variable set as an integer and evaluating to true/false
#*** This will issue error warning and not run: *****
if [ "${The_world_is_flat}" -eq true ]; then

#With variable set as an integer and evaluating to true/false
#*** These statements will not evaluate properly: *****
if [ "${The_world_is_flat}" -eq true ]; then
if [[ "${The_world_is_flat}" -eq true ]]; then
if [ "${The_world_is_flat}" = true ]; then
if [[ "${The_world_is_flat}" = true ]]; then
if [ "${The_world_is_flat}" == true ]; then
if [[ "${The_world_is_flat}" == true ]]; then

#With variable set as an true/false builtin and evaluating to true/false
#*** These statements will not evaluate properly: *****
if [[ "${The_world_is_flat}" -eq true ]]; then
if [ "${The_world_is_flat}" = 0 ]; then
if [[ "${The_world_is_flat}" = 0 ]]; then
if [ "${The_world_is_flat}" == 0 ]; then
if [[ "${The_world_is_flat}" == 0 ]]; then
#With variable set as an integer and evaluating to true/false
#*** These statements will work properly: *****
if [ "${The_world_is_flat}" = true ]; then
if [[ "${The_world_is_flat}" = true ]]; then
if [ "${The_world_is_flat}" = true ]; then
if [[ "${The_world_is_flat}" == true ]]; then

Bill Parker is getting voted down, because his definitions are reversed from the normal code convention. Normally, true is defined as 0 and false is defined as nonzero. 1 will work for false, as will 9999 and -1. Same with function return values - 0 is success and anything nonzero is failure. Sorry I don't have the street credibility yet to vote or to reply to him directly.

There are other permutations of the conditional which will give wrong output as well. Basically, anything (other than the error condition listed above) that sets a variable to a numerical value and compares it to a true/false builtin, or sets a variable to a true/false builtin and compares it to a numerical value. Also, anything that sets a variable to a true/false builtin and does a comparison using -eq. So avoid -eq for Boolean comparisons and avoid using numerical values for Boolean comparisons. Here's a summary of the permutations that will give invalid results:

# With variable set as an integer and evaluating to true/false
# *** This will issue error warning and not run: *****
if [ "${The_world_is_flat}" -eq true ]; then

# With variable set as an integer and evaluating to true/false
# *** These statements will not evaluate properly: *****
if [ "${The_world_is_flat}" -eq true ]; then
if [[ "${The_world_is_flat}" -eq true ]]; then
if [ "${The_world_is_flat}" = true ]; then
if [[ "${The_world_is_flat}" = true ]]; then
if [ "${The_world_is_flat}" == true ]; then
if [[ "${The_world_is_flat}" == true ]]; then

# With variable set as an true/false builtin and evaluating to true/false
# *** These statements will not evaluate properly: *****
if [[ "${The_world_is_flat}" -eq true ]]; then
if [ "${The_world_is_flat}" = 0 ]; then
if [[ "${The_world_is_flat}" = 0 ]]; then
if [ "${The_world_is_flat}" == 0 ]; then
if [[ "${The_world_is_flat}" == 0 ]]; then
# With variable set as an integer and evaluating to true/false
# *** These statements will work properly: *****
if [ "${The_world_is_flat}" = true ]; then
if [[ "${The_world_is_flat}" = true ]]; then
if [ "${The_world_is_flat}" = true ]; then
if [[ "${The_world_is_flat}" == true ]]; then
Added a cross reference. Active reading [<> <>].
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Peter Mortensen
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Bill Parker is getting voted downBill Parker is getting voted down, because his definitions are reversed from normal code convention. Normally, true is defined as 0 and false is defined as nonzero. 1 will work for false, as will 9999 and -1. Same with function return values - 0 is success and anything nonzero is failure. Sorry I don't have the street credscredibility yet to vote or to reply to him directly.

Bash recommends using double brackets now as a habit instead of single brackets, and the link Mike Holt gave explains the differences in how they work. 7.3. Other Comparison Operators7.3. Other Comparison Operators

For one thing, -eq-eq is aa numerical operator, so having the code

will issue an error statement, expecting an integer expression. This applies to either parameter, as neither is an integer value. Yet, if we put double brackets around it, it will not issue an error statement, but it will yield a wrong value (well, in 50% of the possible permutations). ItIt will evaluate to [[0 -eq true]] = success, but also to [[0 -eq false]] = success, which is wrong (hmmm.... what about that builtin being a numerical value?).

There are other permutations of the conditional which will give wrong output as well. Basically, anything (other than the error condition listed above) that sets a variable to a numerical value and compares it to a true/false builtin, or sets a variable to a true/false builtin and compares it to a numerical value. Also, anything that sets a variable to a true/false builtin and does a comparison using -eq-eq. So avoid -eq for-eq for boolean comparisons and avoid using numerical values for booleanBoolean comparisons. Here's a summary of the permutations that will give invalid results:

So, now to what works. Use true/false builtins for both your comparison and your evaluations (as Mike Hunt noted, don't enclose them in quotes). Then use either or single or double equal sign (= or ==) and either single or double brackets ([ ] or [[ ]]). Personally, I like the double equals sign, because it reminds me of logical comparisons in other programming languages, and double quotes just because I like typing. So these work:

Bill Parker is getting voted down because his definitions are reversed from normal code convention. Normally, true is defined as 0 and false is defined as nonzero. 1 will work for false, as will 9999 and -1. Same with function return values - 0 is success and anything nonzero is failure. Sorry I don't have the street creds yet to vote or to reply to him directly.

Bash recommends using double brackets now as a habit instead of single brackets, and the link Mike Holt gave explains the differences in how they work. 7.3. Other Comparison Operators

For one thing -eq is a numerical operator, so having the code

will issue an error statement, expecting an integer expression. This applies to either parameter, as neither is an integer value. Yet, if we put double brackets around it, it will not issue an error statement, but will yield a wrong value (well, in 50% of the possible permutations). It will evaluate to [[0 -eq true]] = success but also to [[0 -eq false]] = success, which is wrong (hmmm.... what about that builtin being a numerical value?).

There are other permutations of the conditional which will give wrong output as well. Basically, anything (other than the error condition listed above) that sets a variable to a numerical value and compares it to a true/false builtin, or sets a variable to a true/false builtin and compares it to a numerical value. Also, anything that sets a variable to a true/false builtin and does a comparison using -eq. So avoid -eq for boolean comparisons and avoid using numerical values for boolean comparisons. Here's a summary of the permutations that will give invalid results:

So, now to what works. Use true/false builtins for both your comparison and your evaluations (as Mike Hunt noted, don't enclose them in quotes). Then use either or single or double equal sign (= or ==) and either single or double brackets ([ ] or [[ ]]). Personally, I like the double equals sign because it reminds me of logical comparisons in other programming languages, and double quotes just because I like typing. So these work:

Bill Parker is getting voted down, because his definitions are reversed from normal code convention. Normally, true is defined as 0 and false is defined as nonzero. 1 will work for false, as will 9999 and -1. Same with function return values - 0 is success and anything nonzero is failure. Sorry I don't have the street credibility yet to vote or to reply to him directly.

Bash recommends using double brackets now as a habit instead of single brackets, and the link Mike Holt gave explains the differences in how they work. 7.3. Other Comparison Operators

For one thing, -eq is a numerical operator, so having the code

will issue an error statement, expecting an integer expression. This applies to either parameter, as neither is an integer value. Yet, if we put double brackets around it, it will not issue an error statement, but it will yield a wrong value (well, in 50% of the possible permutations). It will evaluate to [[0 -eq true]] = success, but also to [[0 -eq false]] = success, which is wrong (hmmm.... what about that builtin being a numerical value?).

There are other permutations of the conditional which will give wrong output as well. Basically, anything (other than the error condition listed above) that sets a variable to a numerical value and compares it to a true/false builtin, or sets a variable to a true/false builtin and compares it to a numerical value. Also, anything that sets a variable to a true/false builtin and does a comparison using -eq. So avoid -eq for boolean comparisons and avoid using numerical values for Boolean comparisons. Here's a summary of the permutations that will give invalid results:

So, now to what works. Use true/false builtins for both your comparison and your evaluations (as Mike Hunt noted, don't enclose them in quotes). Then use either or single or double equal sign (= or ==) and either single or double brackets ([ ] or [[ ]]). Personally, I like the double equals sign, because it reminds me of logical comparisons in other programming languages, and double quotes just because I like typing. So these work:

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