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I have a Unity project and I've set it up to use Git.

However its only been kind of working. Its seeing some files and folders and committing them. But then its ignoring other files entirely.

For example, I have a ScriptableObjects folder. Any item I add in this folder NEVER appears in my version control as a new/changed file.

Other folders do work, but nothing in this subfolder.

This folder is not ignored in my .ignore.

I have also changed Unity to show Visible Meta Files for version control.

Its impossible for a new file to be un-tracked, and the folder its created it is not ignored.

I have never seen an issue like this before with version control. Do you have any ideas why my new files are not appearing in version control for some folders?

My ignore


# Autogenerated VS/MD solution and project files

# Unity3D generated meta files

# Unity3D Generated File On Crash Reports

# Builds


Running the git ignore check on a new file produces the following

$ git check-ignore -v -- /c/Users/a/Desktop/proj/Assets/Resources/ScriptableObjects/Cards/Helmets/NewFile.asset "C:\Users\a\OneDrive\Documents\gitignore_global.txt":25:Assets/Resources/ScriptableObjects/ C:/Users/antho/Desktop/proj/Assets/Resources/ScriptableObjects/Cards/Helmets/NewFile.asset


So somehow (i.e. SourceTree acted on its own accord) a global_ignore file was created (this was NOT in the project folder). Instead it was created at C:\Users\name\OneDrive\Documents\.gitignore_global.txt

My entire /ScriptableObjects folder was in that file.

Removing that fixed the issue entirely.

I have a Unity project and I've set it up to use Git.

However its only been kind of working. Its seeing some files and folders and committing them. But then its ignoring other files entirely.

For example, I have a ScriptableObjects folder. Any item I add in this folder NEVER appears in my version control as a new/changed file.

Other folders do work, but nothing in this subfolder.

This folder is not ignored in my .ignore.

I have also changed Unity to show Visible Meta Files for version control.

Its impossible for a new file to be un-tracked, and the folder its created it is not ignored.

I have never seen an issue like this before with version control. Do you have any ideas why my new files are not appearing in version control for some folders?

My ignore


# Autogenerated VS/MD solution and project files

# Unity3D generated meta files

# Unity3D Generated File On Crash Reports

# Builds


Running the git ignore check on a new file produces the following

$ git check-ignore -v -- /c/Users/a/Desktop/proj/Assets/Resources/ScriptableObjects/Cards/Helmets/NewFile.asset "C:\Users\a\OneDrive\Documents\gitignore_global.txt":25:Assets/Resources/ScriptableObjects/ C:/Users/antho/Desktop/proj/Assets/Resources/ScriptableObjects/Cards/Helmets/NewFile.asset


So somehow (i.e. SourceTree acted on its own accord) a global_ignore file was created (this was NOT in the project folder). Instead it was created at C:\Users\name\OneDrive\Documents\.gitignore_global.txt

My entire /ScriptableObjects folder was in that file.

Removing that fixed the issue entirely.

I have a Unity project and I've set it up to use Git.

However its only been kind of working. Its seeing some files and folders and committing them. But then its ignoring other files entirely.

For example, I have a ScriptableObjects folder. Any item I add in this folder NEVER appears in my version control as a new/changed file.

Other folders do work, but nothing in this subfolder.

This folder is not ignored in my .ignore.

I have also changed Unity to show Visible Meta Files for version control.

Its impossible for a new file to be un-tracked, and the folder its created it is not ignored.

I have never seen an issue like this before with version control. Do you have any ideas why my new files are not appearing in version control for some folders?

My ignore


# Autogenerated VS/MD solution and project files

# Unity3D generated meta files

# Unity3D Generated File On Crash Reports

# Builds


Running the git ignore check on a new file produces the following

$ git check-ignore -v -- /c/Users/a/Desktop/proj/Assets/Resources/ScriptableObjects/Cards/Helmets/NewFile.asset "C:\Users\a\OneDrive\Documents\gitignore_global.txt":25:Assets/Resources/ScriptableObjects/ C:/Users/antho/Desktop/proj/Assets/Resources/ScriptableObjects/Cards/Helmets/NewFile.asset

added 326 characters in body
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I have a Unity project and I've set it up to use Git.

However its only been kind of working. Its seeing some files and folders and committing them. But then its ignoring other files entirely.

For example, I have a ScriptableObjects folder. Any item I add in this folder NEVER appears in my version control as a new/changed file.

Other folders do work, but nothing in this subfolder.

This folder is not ignored in my .ignore.

I have also changed Unity to show Visible Meta Files for version control.

Its impossible for a new file to be un-tracked, and the folder its created it is not ignored.

I have never seen an issue like this before with version control. Do you have any ideas why my new files are not appearing in version control for some folders?

My ignore


# Autogenerated VS/MD solution and project files

# Unity3D generated meta files

# Unity3D Generated File On Crash Reports

# Builds


Running the git ignore check on a new file produces the following

$ git check-ignore -v -- /c/Users/a/Desktop/proj/Assets/Resources/ScriptableObjects/Cards/Helmets/NewFile.asset "C:\Users\a\OneDrive\Documents\gitignore_global.txt":25:Assets/Resources/ScriptableObjects/ C:/Users/antho/Desktop/proj/Assets/Resources/ScriptableObjects/Cards/Helmets/NewFile.asset


So somehow (i.e. SourceTree acted on its own accord) a global_ignore file was created (this was NOT in the project folder). Instead it was created at C:\Users\name\OneDrive\Documents\.gitignore_global.txt

My entire /ScriptableObjects folder was in that file.

Removing that fixed the issue entirely.

I have a Unity project and I've set it up to use Git.

However its only been kind of working. Its seeing some files and folders and committing them. But then its ignoring other files entirely.

For example, I have a ScriptableObjects folder. Any item I add in this folder NEVER appears in my version control as a new/changed file.

Other folders do work, but nothing in this subfolder.

This folder is not ignored in my .ignore.

I have also changed Unity to show Visible Meta Files for version control.

Its impossible for a new file to be un-tracked, and the folder its created it is not ignored.

I have never seen an issue like this before with version control. Do you have any ideas why my new files are not appearing in version control for some folders?

My ignore


# Autogenerated VS/MD solution and project files

# Unity3D generated meta files

# Unity3D Generated File On Crash Reports

# Builds


Running the git ignore check on a new file produces the following

$ git check-ignore -v -- /c/Users/a/Desktop/proj/Assets/Resources/ScriptableObjects/Cards/Helmets/NewFile.asset "C:\Users\a\OneDrive\Documents\gitignore_global.txt":25:Assets/Resources/ScriptableObjects/ C:/Users/antho/Desktop/proj/Assets/Resources/ScriptableObjects/Cards/Helmets/NewFile.asset

I have a Unity project and I've set it up to use Git.

However its only been kind of working. Its seeing some files and folders and committing them. But then its ignoring other files entirely.

For example, I have a ScriptableObjects folder. Any item I add in this folder NEVER appears in my version control as a new/changed file.

Other folders do work, but nothing in this subfolder.

This folder is not ignored in my .ignore.

I have also changed Unity to show Visible Meta Files for version control.

Its impossible for a new file to be un-tracked, and the folder its created it is not ignored.

I have never seen an issue like this before with version control. Do you have any ideas why my new files are not appearing in version control for some folders?

My ignore


# Autogenerated VS/MD solution and project files

# Unity3D generated meta files

# Unity3D Generated File On Crash Reports

# Builds


Running the git ignore check on a new file produces the following

$ git check-ignore -v -- /c/Users/a/Desktop/proj/Assets/Resources/ScriptableObjects/Cards/Helmets/NewFile.asset "C:\Users\a\OneDrive\Documents\gitignore_global.txt":25:Assets/Resources/ScriptableObjects/ C:/Users/antho/Desktop/proj/Assets/Resources/ScriptableObjects/Cards/Helmets/NewFile.asset


So somehow (i.e. SourceTree acted on its own accord) a global_ignore file was created (this was NOT in the project folder). Instead it was created at C:\Users\name\OneDrive\Documents\.gitignore_global.txt

My entire /ScriptableObjects folder was in that file.

Removing that fixed the issue entirely.

added 403 characters in body
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I have a Unity project and I've set it up to use Git.

However its only been kind of working. Its seeing some files and folders and committing them. But then its ignoring other files entirely.

For example, I have a ScriptableObjects folder. Any item I add in this folder NEVER appears in my version control as a new/changed file.

Other folders do work, but nothing in this subfolder.

This folder is not ignored in my .ignore.

I have also changed Unity to show Visible Meta Files for version control.

Its impossible for a new file to be un-tracked, and the folder its created it is not ignored.

I have never seen an issue like this before with version control. Do you have any ideas why my new files are not appearing in version control for some folders?

My ignore


# Autogenerated VS/MD solution and project files

# Unity3D generated meta files

# Unity3D Generated File On Crash Reports

# Builds


Running the git ignore check on a new file produces the following

$ git check-ignore -v -- /c/Users/a/Desktop/proj/Assets/Resources/ScriptableObjects/Cards/Helmets/NewFile.asset "C:\Users\a\OneDrive\Documents\gitignore_global.txt":25:Assets/Resources/ScriptableObjects/ C:/Users/antho/Desktop/proj/Assets/Resources/ScriptableObjects/Cards/Helmets/NewFile.asset

I have a Unity project and I've set it up to use Git.

However its only been kind of working. Its seeing some files and folders and committing them. But then its ignoring other files entirely.

For example, I have a ScriptableObjects folder. Any item I add in this folder NEVER appears in my version control as a new/changed file.

Other folders do work, but nothing in this subfolder.

This folder is not ignored in my .ignore.

I have also changed Unity to show Visible Meta Files for version control.

Its impossible for a new file to be un-tracked, and the folder its created it is not ignored.

I have never seen an issue like this before with version control. Do you have any ideas why my new files are not appearing in version control for some folders?

My ignore


# Autogenerated VS/MD solution and project files

# Unity3D generated meta files

# Unity3D Generated File On Crash Reports

# Builds

I have a Unity project and I've set it up to use Git.

However its only been kind of working. Its seeing some files and folders and committing them. But then its ignoring other files entirely.

For example, I have a ScriptableObjects folder. Any item I add in this folder NEVER appears in my version control as a new/changed file.

Other folders do work, but nothing in this subfolder.

This folder is not ignored in my .ignore.

I have also changed Unity to show Visible Meta Files for version control.

Its impossible for a new file to be un-tracked, and the folder its created it is not ignored.

I have never seen an issue like this before with version control. Do you have any ideas why my new files are not appearing in version control for some folders?

My ignore


# Autogenerated VS/MD solution and project files

# Unity3D generated meta files

# Unity3D Generated File On Crash Reports

# Builds


Running the git ignore check on a new file produces the following

$ git check-ignore -v -- /c/Users/a/Desktop/proj/Assets/Resources/ScriptableObjects/Cards/Helmets/NewFile.asset "C:\Users\a\OneDrive\Documents\gitignore_global.txt":25:Assets/Resources/ScriptableObjects/ C:/Users/antho/Desktop/proj/Assets/Resources/ScriptableObjects/Cards/Helmets/NewFile.asset

added 447 characters in body
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