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Add prevArrow: false and nextArrow: false to where you call your carousel. Ex)

        dots: false,
        prevArrow: false,
        nextArrow: false

I added dots: false in case you wanted to remove that too.

Add prevArrow: false and nextArrow: false to where you call your carousel. Ex)

        dots: false,
        prevArrow: false,
        nextArrow: false

I added dots: false in case you wanted to remove that too.

Add prevArrow: false and nextArrow: false to where you call your carousel. Ex)

    dots: false,
    prevArrow: false,
    nextArrow: false

I added dots: false in case you wanted to remove that too.

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Add prevArrow: false and nextArrow: false to where you call your carousel. Ex)

        dots: false,
        prevArrow: false,
        nextArrow: false

I added dots: false in case you wanted to remove that too.