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Read Only : Value can be changed through Ctor at runtime. But not through member Function

Constant : By defultdefault static. Value cannot be changed from anywhere ( Ctor, Function, runtime etc no-where)

Read Only : Value can be changed through Ctor at runtime. But not through member Function

Constant : By defult static. Value cannot be changed from anywhere ( Ctor, Function, runtime etc no-where)

Read Only : Value can be changed through Ctor at runtime. But not through member Function

Constant : By default static. Value cannot be changed from anywhere ( Ctor, Function, runtime etc no-where)

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Yeasin Abedin
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Read Only : Value can be changed through Ctor at runtime. But not through member Function

Constant : By defult static. Value cannot be changed from anywhere ( Ctor, Function, runtime etc no-where)