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Peter Mortensen
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A lot of answers end up moving your fork one commit ahead of the parent repository. This answer summarizes the steps found here which will move your fork to the same commit as the parent.

  1. changeChange directory to your local repository.
  • switchSwitch to master branch if you are not git checkout master
  1. addAdd the parent as a remote reporepository, git remote add upstream <repo-location>
  2. Issue git fetch upstream
  3. Issue git rebase upstream/master
  • At this stage you check that commits what will be merged by typing git status
  1. Issue git push origin master

For more information about these commands, refer to step 3.

A lot of answers end up moving your fork one commit ahead of the parent repository. This answer summarizes the steps found here which will move your fork to the same commit as the parent.

  1. change directory to your local repository.
  • switch to master branch if you are not git checkout master
  1. add the parent as a remote repo git remote add upstream <repo-location>
  2. git fetch upstream
  3. git rebase upstream/master
  • At this stage you check that commits what will be merged by typing git status
  1. git push origin master

For more information about these commands refer to step 3.

A lot of answers end up moving your fork one commit ahead of the parent repository. This answer summarizes the steps found here which will move your fork to the same commit as the parent.

  1. Change directory to your local repository.
  • Switch to master branch if you are not git checkout master
  1. Add the parent as a remote repository, git remote add upstream <repo-location>
  2. Issue git fetch upstream
  3. Issue git rebase upstream/master
  • At this stage you check that commits what will be merged by typing git status
  1. Issue git push origin master

For more information about these commands, refer to step 3.

bolded important part
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A lot of answers end up moving your fork one commit ahead of the parent repository. This answer summarizes the steps found here which will move your fork to the same commit as the parentmove your fork to the same commit as the parent.

  1. change directory to your local repository.
  • switch to master branch if you are not git checkout master
  1. add the parent as a remote repo git remote add upstream <repo-location>
  2. git fetch upstream
  3. git rebase upstream/master
  • At this stage you check that commits what will be merged by typing git status
  1. git push origin master

For more information about these commands refer to step 3.

A lot of answers end up moving your fork one commit ahead of the parent repository. This answer summarizes the steps found here which will move your fork to the same commit as the parent.

  1. change directory to your local repository.
  • switch to master branch if you are not git checkout master
  1. add the parent as a remote repo git remote add upstream <repo-location>
  2. git fetch upstream
  3. git rebase upstream/master
  • At this stage you check that commits what will be merged by typing git status
  1. git push origin master

For more information about these commands refer to step 3.

A lot of answers end up moving your fork one commit ahead of the parent repository. This answer summarizes the steps found here which will move your fork to the same commit as the parent.

  1. change directory to your local repository.
  • switch to master branch if you are not git checkout master
  1. add the parent as a remote repo git remote add upstream <repo-location>
  2. git fetch upstream
  3. git rebase upstream/master
  • At this stage you check that commits what will be merged by typing git status
  1. git push origin master

For more information about these commands refer to step 3.

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A lot of answers end up moving your fork one commit ahead of the parent repository. This answer summarizes the steps found here which will move your fork to the same commit as the parent.

  1. change directory to your local repository.
  • switch to master branch if you are not git checkout master
  1. add the parent as a remote repo git remote add upstream <repo-location>
  2. git fetch upstream
  3. git rebase upstream/master
  • At this stage you check that commits what will be merged by typing git status
  1. git push origin master

For more information about these commands refer to step 3.