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Why are table borders between thead and tbody not collapsing when caption is positioned?

In this fiddle I have two tables with border-collapse: collapse. In the first one everything works as expected. In the second one I position the caption with position: absolute and now the borders between the thead and tbody do not collapse.

This happens in Firefox 38 and IE8 (not in a fiddle.) I have not tested other browsers. Is this behavior standard? If so why?

UPDATE: Same thing happens in Safari.

Why are borders between thead and tbody not collapsing when caption is positioned?

In this fiddle I have two tables with border-collapse: collapse. In the first one everything works as expected. In the second one I position the caption with position: absolute and now the borders between the thead and tbody do not collapse.

This happens in Firefox 38 and IE8 (not in a fiddle.) I have not tested other browsers. Is this behavior standard? If so why?

Why are table borders not collapsing when caption is positioned?

In this fiddle I have two tables with border-collapse: collapse. In the first one everything works as expected. In the second one I position the caption with position: absolute and now the borders between the thead and tbody do not collapse.

This happens in Firefox 38 and IE8 (not in a fiddle.) I have not tested other browsers. Is this behavior standard? If so why?

UPDATE: Same thing happens in Safari.

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Why are borders between thead and tbody not collapsing when caption is positioned?

In this fiddle I have two tables with border-collapse: collapse. In the first one everything works as expected. In the second one I position the caption with position: absolute and now the borders between the thead and tbody do not collapse.

This happens in Firefox 38 and IE8 (not in a fiddle.) I have not tested other browsers. Is this behavior standard? If so why?