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Fixed code formatting. Note that 'indexes' is correct here as a present-tense verb:
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Lua indexes tables from 1, unlike C, Java etc. which indexes arrays from 0. That means, that in your table, the valid indexes are: 1, 2, 3, 4. What you are looking for is the following:

print( myTable[ math.random( #myTable ) ] )

print( myTable[ math.random( #myTable ) ] )

When called with one argument, math.random(n) returns a random integer from 1 to n including.

Lua indexes tables from 1, unlike C, Java etc. which indexes arrays from 0. That means, that in your table, the valid indexes are: 1, 2, 3, 4. What you are looking for is the following:

print( myTable[ math.random( #myTable ) ] )

When called with one argument, math.random(n) returns a random integer from 1 to n including.

Lua indexes tables from 1, unlike C, Java etc. which indexes arrays from 0. That means, that in your table, the valid indexes are: 1, 2, 3, 4. What you are looking for is the following:

print( myTable[ math.random( #myTable ) ] )

When called with one argument, math.random(n) returns a random integer from 1 to n including.

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Michal Kottman
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Lua indexes tables from 1, unlike C, Java etc. which indexes arrays from 0. That means, that in your table, the valid indexes are: 1, 2, 3, 4. What you are looking for is the following:

print( myTable[ math.random( #myTable ) ] )

When called with one argument, math.random(n) returns a random integer from 1 to n including.