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Edited : I try to make some changes in that sub :


    while (temp is MethodCallExpression)
                var mce = temp as MethodCallExpression;
                temp = mce.Arguments[0];
        while (temp is UnaryExpression)
            var ue = temp as UnaryExpression;
            temp = ue.Operand;

After I rebuild the dll file , and now the error message is disappear. But can anyone confirm that this is a correct solution ?

Edited : I try to make some changes in that sub :


    while (temp is MethodCallExpression)
                var mce = temp as MethodCallExpression;
                temp = mce.Arguments[0];
        while (temp is UnaryExpression)
            var ue = temp as UnaryExpression;
            temp = ue.Operand;

After I rebuild the dll file , and now the error message is disappear. But can anyone confirm that this is a correct solution ?

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A C# DLL doesn't work when used on project

I'm using 2013. I try to use a tool that I have installed using NUGET. EntityFramewrok.Utilities / link : This is an open source dll and the whole code can be downloaded. From this DLL , I'm trying to use the "IncludeEFU" method. In the link above , is a code that I use on C# project and works :

var result = db.Contacts
.IncludeEFU(db, x => x.PhoneNumbers
.Where(n => n.Number == "10134")
.OrderBy(p => p.ContactId)
.ThenByDescending(p => p.Number))

I try to use on my application the same code like this :

Dim result = db.Contacts _
.IncludeEFU(db, Function(x) x.PhoneNumbers _
.Where(Function(n) n.Number = "10134")_
.OrderBy(Function(p) p.ContactId) _
.ThenByDescending(Function(p) p.Number)).ToList()

But I'm getting an error :

An unhandled exception of type 'System.ArgumentException' occurred in     EntityFramework.Utilities.dll

Additional information: Could not find a MemberExpression

Inspecting one by one the files in the dll's project ( that can be downloaded on the link ) , I see that the error message that I'm getting come from this sub :

private static PropertyInfo SetCollectionModifiersAndGetChildProperty<T, TChild>(Expression<Func<T, IEnumerable<TChild>>> collectionSelector, List<MethodCallExpression> childCollectionModifiers)
        where T : class
        where TChild : class
        var temp = collectionSelector.Body;
        while (temp is MethodCallExpression)
            var mce = temp as MethodCallExpression;
            temp = mce.Arguments[0];
        childCollectionModifiers.Reverse(); //We parse from right to left so reverse it
        if (!(temp is MemberExpression))
            throw new ArgumentException("Could not find a MemberExpression", "collectionSelector");

        var childProp = (temp as MemberExpression).Member as PropertyInfo;
        return childProp;

Look at the line :

throw new ArgumentException("Could not find a MemberExpression", "collectionSelector");

Why this is working on a C# project , and produce this error on a project ? How can I resolve this problem ? Thank you !