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The problem is not the PEMParser but JcaPEMKeyConverter which treats EC keys as keys for ECDSA:

algorithms.put(X9ObjectIdentifiers.id_ecPublicKey, "ECDSA");
private KeyFactory getKeyFactory(AlgorithmIdentifier algId)
throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, NoSuchProviderException
  ASN1ObjectIdentifier algorithm = algId.getAlgorithm();
  String algName = (String)algorithms.get(algorithm);

The algorithm identifier is id-ecPublicKey, which is also used for ECDSA keys, so the algorithm selection is not unique here and probably the BC devs have chosen ECDSA as the most suitable choice. You could do something similar like JcaPEMKeyConverter with you own KeyFactory but choose your correct algorithm for EC keys.

The problem is not the PEMParser but JcaPEMKeyConverter which treats EC keys as keys for ECDSA:

algorithms.put(X9ObjectIdentifiers.id_ecPublicKey, "ECDSA");
private KeyFactory getKeyFactory(AlgorithmIdentifier algId)
throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, NoSuchProviderException
  ASN1ObjectIdentifier algorithm = algId.getAlgorithm();
  String algName = (String)algorithms.get(algorithm);

The algorithm identifier is id-ecPublicKey, which is also used for ECDSA keys, so the algorithm selection is not unique here and probably the BC devs have chosen ECDSA as the most suitable choice. You could something similar like JcaPEMKeyConverter but choose your correct algorithm for EC keys.

The problem is not the PEMParser but JcaPEMKeyConverter which treats EC keys as keys for ECDSA:

algorithms.put(X9ObjectIdentifiers.id_ecPublicKey, "ECDSA");
private KeyFactory getKeyFactory(AlgorithmIdentifier algId)
throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, NoSuchProviderException
  ASN1ObjectIdentifier algorithm = algId.getAlgorithm();
  String algName = (String)algorithms.get(algorithm);

The algorithm identifier is id-ecPublicKey, which is also used for ECDSA keys, so the algorithm selection is not unique here and probably the BC devs have chosen ECDSA as the most suitable choice. You could do something similar like JcaPEMKeyConverter with you own KeyFactory but choose your correct algorithm for EC keys.

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The problem is not the PEMParser but JcaPEMKeyConverter which treats EC keys as keys for ECDSA:

algorithms.put(X9ObjectIdentifiers.id_ecPublicKey, "ECDSA");
private KeyFactory getKeyFactory(AlgorithmIdentifier algId)
throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, NoSuchProviderException
  ASN1ObjectIdentifier algorithm = algId.getAlgorithm();
  String algName = (String)algorithms.get(algorithm);

The algorithm identifier is id-ecPublicKey, which is also used for ECDSA keys, so the algorithm selection is not unique here and probably the BC devs have chosen ECDSA as the most suitable choice. You could something similar like JcaPEMKeyConverter but choose your correct algorithm for EC keys.