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I have read questions: thisthis and thatthat. They suggest to modify sbt file. But I want run sbt clean assembly without tests and do not modify sbt build files. Is it possible with sbt? In maven there is -DskipTest=true parameter, is there analog for sbt?

I have read questions: this and that. They suggest to modify sbt file. But I want run sbt clean assembly without tests and do not modify sbt build files. Is it possible with sbt? In maven there is -DskipTest=true parameter, is there analog for sbt?

I have read questions: this and that. They suggest to modify sbt file. But I want run sbt clean assembly without tests and do not modify sbt build files. Is it possible with sbt? In maven there is -DskipTest=true parameter, is there analog for sbt?

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How run sbt assembly command without tests from command line?

I have read questions: this and that. They suggest to modify sbt file. But I want run sbt clean assembly without tests and do not modify sbt build files. Is it possible with sbt? In maven there is -DskipTest=true parameter, is there analog for sbt?