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just a spelling typo
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Paul Belanger
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What typically helps to fix it is deleting the Solution User Options aka "SUO".

VS up to 2013

In the older VS it is stored as a "hidden" SolutionName.suo in the same folder as the main .sln file.

VS2015 or later

In VS2015 the same data was moved to a "hidden" subfolder in the .vs folder under the same folder as the main .sln file.

What typically helps to fix it is deleting the Solution User Options aka "SUO".

VS up to 2013

In the older VS it is stored as a "hidden" SolutionName.suo in the same folder as the main .sln file.

VS2015 or later

In VS2015 the same data was moved to a "hidden" subfolder in the .vs folder under the same folder as the main .sln file.

What typically helps to fix it is deleting the Solution User Options aka "SUO".

VS up to 2013

In the older VS it is stored as a "hidden" SolutionName.suo in the same folder as the main .sln file.

VS2015 or later

In VS2015 the same data was moved to a "hidden" .vs folder under the same folder as the main .sln file.

What typically helps to fix it is deleting the Solution User Options aka "SUO".

VS up to 2013

In the older VS it is stored as a "hidden" SolutionName.suo in the same folder as the main .sln file.

VS2015 or later

In VS2015 the same datedata was moved to a "hidden" subfolder in the .vs folder under the same folder as the main .sln file.

What typically helps to fix it is deleting the Solution User Options aka "SUO".

VS up to 2013

In the older VS it is stored as a "hidden" SolutionName.suo in the same folder as the main .sln file.

VS2015 or later

In VS2015 the same date was moved to a "hidden" .vs folder under the same folder as the main .sln file.

What typically helps to fix it is deleting the Solution User Options aka "SUO".

VS up to 2013

In the older VS it is stored as a "hidden" SolutionName.suo in the same folder as the main .sln file.

VS2015 or later

In VS2015 the same data was moved to a "hidden" subfolder in the .vs folder under the same folder as the main .sln file.

A comment was hidden and was not easily spotted, extending the answer for vs2015 seemed the easiest way to bring this to the front.
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DeletingWhat typically helps to fix it is deleting the Solution User Options aka "SUO".suo file definitely does

VS up to 2013

In the trick. Itolder VS it is stored as a hidden file"hidden" SolutionName.suo in the same pathfolder as the main .sln.sln file.

-- VS2015 (It has moved, see below)VS2015 or later

I'm also using VS 2015. As Greg M. noted,In VS2015 the SUO file is now insame date was moved to a hidden folder called"hidden" .vs within the solution.vs folder. I was able to fix under the error by closing VS, deletingsame folder as the entiremain .sln file.vs folder and reopening VS

Deleting the .suo file definitely does the trick. It is a hidden file in the same path as the .sln file

-- VS2015 (It has moved, see below)

I'm also using VS 2015. As Greg M. noted, the SUO file is now in a hidden folder called .vs within the solution folder. I was able to fix the error by closing VS, deleting the entire .vs folder and reopening VS

What typically helps to fix it is deleting the Solution User Options aka "SUO".

VS up to 2013

In the older VS it is stored as a "hidden" SolutionName.suo in the same folder as the main .sln file.

VS2015 or later

In VS2015 the same date was moved to a "hidden" .vs folder under the same folder as the main .sln file.

A comment was hidden and was not easily spotted, extending the answer for vs2015 seemed the easiest way to bring this to the front.
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