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You have to take a bit of a zen* approach to floating-point numbers: rather than eliminating the error, learn to live with it.

In practice this usually means doing things like:

  • when displaying the number, use String.format to specify the amount of precision to display (it'll do the appropriate rounding for you)
  • when comparing against an expected value, don't look for equality (==). Instead, look for a small-enough delta: Math.abs(myValue - expectedValue) <= someSmallError

EDIT: For infinity, the same principle applies, but with a tweak: you have to pick some number to be "large enough" to treat as infinity. This is again because you have to learn to live with, rather than solve, imprecise values. In the case of something like tan(90 degrees), a double can't store π/2 with infinite precision, so your input is something very close to, but not exactly, 90 degrees -- and thus, the result is something very big, but not quite infinity. You may ask "why don't they just return Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY when you pass in the closest double to π/2," but that could lead to ambiguity: what if you really wanted the tan of that number, and not 90 degrees? Or, what if (due to previous floating-point error) you had something that was slightly farther from π/2 than the closest possible value, but for your needs it's still π/2? Rather than make arbitrary decisions for you, the JDK treats your close-to-but-not-exactly π/2 number at face value, and thus gives you a big-but-not-infinity result.

For some operations, especially those relating to money, you can use BigDecimal to eliminate floating-point errors: you can really represent values like 0.1 (instead of a value really really close to 0.1, which is the best a float or double can do). But this is much slower, and doesn't help you for things like sin/cos (at least with the built-in libraries).

* this probably isn't actually zen, but in the colloquial sense

You have to take a bit of a zen* approach to floating-point numbers: rather than eliminating the error, learn to live with it.

In practice this usually means doing things like:

  • when displaying the number, use String.format to specify the amount of precision to display (it'll do the appropriate rounding for you)
  • when comparing against an expected value, don't look for equality (==). Instead, look for a small-enough delta: Math.abs(myValue - expectedValue) <= someSmallError

For some operations, especially those relating to money, you can use BigDecimal to eliminate floating-point errors: you can really represent values like 0.1 (instead of a value really really close to 0.1, which is the best a float or double can do). But this is much slower, and doesn't help you for things like sin/cos (at least with the built-in libraries).

* this probably isn't actually zen, but in the colloquial sense

You have to take a bit of a zen* approach to floating-point numbers: rather than eliminating the error, learn to live with it.

In practice this usually means doing things like:

  • when displaying the number, use String.format to specify the amount of precision to display (it'll do the appropriate rounding for you)
  • when comparing against an expected value, don't look for equality (==). Instead, look for a small-enough delta: Math.abs(myValue - expectedValue) <= someSmallError

EDIT: For infinity, the same principle applies, but with a tweak: you have to pick some number to be "large enough" to treat as infinity. This is again because you have to learn to live with, rather than solve, imprecise values. In the case of something like tan(90 degrees), a double can't store π/2 with infinite precision, so your input is something very close to, but not exactly, 90 degrees -- and thus, the result is something very big, but not quite infinity. You may ask "why don't they just return Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY when you pass in the closest double to π/2," but that could lead to ambiguity: what if you really wanted the tan of that number, and not 90 degrees? Or, what if (due to previous floating-point error) you had something that was slightly farther from π/2 than the closest possible value, but for your needs it's still π/2? Rather than make arbitrary decisions for you, the JDK treats your close-to-but-not-exactly π/2 number at face value, and thus gives you a big-but-not-infinity result.

For some operations, especially those relating to money, you can use BigDecimal to eliminate floating-point errors: you can really represent values like 0.1 (instead of a value really really close to 0.1, which is the best a float or double can do). But this is much slower, and doesn't help you for things like sin/cos (at least with the built-in libraries).

* this probably isn't actually zen, but in the colloquial sense

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You have to take a bit of a zen* approach to floating-point numbers: rather than eliminating the error, learn to live with it.

In practice this usually means doing things like:

  • when displaying the number, use String.format to specify the amount of precision to display (it'll do the appropriate rounding for you)
  • when comparing against an expected value, don't look for equality (==). Instead, look for a small-enough delta: Math.abs(myValue - expectedValue) <= someSmallError

For some operations, especially those relating to money, you can use BigDecimal to eliminate floating-point errors: you can really represent values like 0.1 (instead of a value really really close to 0.1, which is the best a float or double can do). But this is much slower, and doesn't help you for things like sin/cos (at least with the built-in libraries).

* this probably isn't actually zen, but in the colloquial sense