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EDIT: May 2016 (updated February 2017): there are several alternatives to my script - for completeness, here is a list of those I know: nbstripoutnbstripout (other variants), nbstrip, jq.

EDIT: May 2016 (updated February 2017): there are several alternatives to my script - for completeness, here is a list of those I know: nbstripout (other variants), nbstrip, jq.

EDIT: May 2016 (updated February 2017): there are several alternatives to my script - for completeness, here is a list of those I know: nbstripout (other variants), nbstrip, jq.

the content of the suggested edit actually made sense, although a comment would have served better
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Pietro Battiston
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EDIT: May 2016 (updated February 2017): there are several alternatives to my script - for completeness, here is a list of those I know: nbstripout (other variants), nbstrip, jq.

EDIT May 2016: there are several alternatives to my script - for completeness, here is a list of those I know: nbstripout (other variants), nbstrip.

EDIT: May 2016 (updated February 2017): there are several alternatives to my script - for completeness, here is a list of those I know: nbstripout (other variants), nbstrip, jq.

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Pietro Battiston
  • 8.3k
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  • 45
  1. Save a file with this contentthis content somewhere (for the following, let us assume ~/bin/

  2. Make it executable (chmod +x ~/bin/

  3. Create the file ~/.gitattributes, with the following content

    *.ipynb filter=dropoutput_ipynb

  4. Run the following commands:

    git config --global core.attributesfile ~/.gitattributes git config --global filter.dropoutput_ipynb.clean ~/bin/ git config --global filter.dropoutput_ipynb.smudge cat

EDIT May 2016: there are several alternatives to my script - for completeness, here is a list of those I know: nbstripout (other variants), nbstrip.

  1. Save a file with this content somewhere (for the following, let us assume ~/bin/

  2. Make it executable (chmod +x ~/bin/

  3. Create the file ~/.gitattributes, with the following content

    *.ipynb filter=dropoutput_ipynb

  4. Run the following commands:

    git config --global core.attributesfile ~/.gitattributes git config --global filter.dropoutput_ipynb.clean ~/bin/ git config --global filter.dropoutput_ipynb.smudge cat

  1. Save a file with this content somewhere (for the following, let us assume ~/bin/

  2. Make it executable (chmod +x ~/bin/

  3. Create the file ~/.gitattributes, with the following content

    *.ipynb filter=dropoutput_ipynb

  4. Run the following commands:

    git config --global core.attributesfile ~/.gitattributes git config --global filter.dropoutput_ipynb.clean ~/bin/ git config --global filter.dropoutput_ipynb.smudge cat

EDIT May 2016: there are several alternatives to my script - for completeness, here is a list of those I know: nbstripout (other variants), nbstrip.

adding ipython (suggested by comment)
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Pietro Battiston
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code moved to git repo
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Pietro Battiston
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support jupyter
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Pietro Battiston
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remove "execution_number"
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Pietro Battiston
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inserted DaveP's suggestion on dropping signature
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Pietro Battiston
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delete "prompt_number"
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Pietro Battiston
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Pietro Battiston
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neutralize for specific repos
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Pietro Battiston
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answer to mforbes
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Pietro Battiston
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why this answer (on top)
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Pietro Battiston
  • 8.3k
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Source Link
Pietro Battiston
  • 8.3k
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