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Peter Mortensen
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1) If your HTML markup is:

<input type="checkbox"  />

attr used:

$(element).attr("checked"); //will Will give you undefined as initial value of checkbox is not set

If prop is used  :

$(element).prop("checked"); //will Will give you false whether or not initial value is set 

2) If your HTML markup is:

 <input type="checkbox"  checked="checked" />// mayMay be like this also  checked="true"

attr used:

$(element).attr("checked") //will Will return checked whether it is checked="true"

propProp used:

$(element).prop("checked") //will Will return true whether checked="checked" 

1) If your HTML markup is:

<input type="checkbox"  />

attr used:

$(element).attr("checked");//will give you undefined as initial value of checkbox is not set

If prop is used  :

$(element).prop("checked");//will give you false whether or not initial value is set 

2) If your HTML markup is:

 <input type="checkbox"  checked="checked" />// may be like this also  checked="true"

attr used:

$(element).attr("checked")//will return checked whether it is checked="true"

prop used:

$(element).prop("checked")//will return true whether checked="checked" 

1) If your HTML markup is:

<input type="checkbox"  />

attr used:

$(element).attr("checked"); // Will give you undefined as initial value of checkbox is not set

If prop is used:

$(element).prop("checked"); // Will give you false whether or not initial value is set

2) If your HTML markup is:

 <input type="checkbox"  checked="checked" />// May be like this also  checked="true"

attr used:

$(element).attr("checked") // Will return checked whether it is checked="true"

Prop used:

$(element).prop("checked") // Will return true whether checked="checked"
"prop used" following code sample was using attr
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Alex Sorokoletov
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1) If your HTML markup is:

<input type="checkbox"  />

attr used:

$(element).attr("checked");//will give you undefined as initial value of checkbox is not set

If prop is used :

$(element).prop("checked");//will give you false whether or not initial value is set 

2) If your HTML markup is:

 <input type="checkbox"  checked="checked" />// may be like this also  checked="true"

attr used:

$(element).attr("checked")//will return checked whether it is checked="true"

prop used:

$(element).attrprop("checked")//will return true whether checked="checked" 

1) If your HTML markup is:

<input type="checkbox"  />

attr used:

$(element).attr("checked");//will give you undefined as initial value of checkbox is not set

If prop is used :

$(element).prop("checked");//will give you false whether or not initial value is set 

2) If your HTML markup is:

 <input type="checkbox"  checked="checked" />// may be like this also  checked="true"

attr used:

$(element).attr("checked")//will return checked whether it is checked="true"

prop used:

$(element).attr("checked")//will return true whether checked="checked" 

1) If your HTML markup is:

<input type="checkbox"  />

attr used:

$(element).attr("checked");//will give you undefined as initial value of checkbox is not set

If prop is used :

$(element).prop("checked");//will give you false whether or not initial value is set 

2) If your HTML markup is:

 <input type="checkbox"  checked="checked" />// may be like this also  checked="true"

attr used:

$(element).attr("checked")//will return checked whether it is checked="true"

prop used:

$(element).prop("checked")//will return true whether checked="checked" 
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Somnath Kharat
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1) If your HTML markup is:

<input type="checkbox"  />

attr used:

$(element).attr("checked");//will give you undefined as initial value of checkbox is not set

If prop is used :

$(element).prop("checked");//will give you false whether or not initial value is set 

2) If your HTML markup is:

 <input type="checkbox"  checked="checked" />// may be like this also  checked="true"

attr used:

$(element).attr("checked")//will return checked whether it is checked="true"

prop used:

$(element).attr("checked")//will return true whether checked="checked" 
Post Made Community Wiki by Somnath Kharat