Skip to main content
replaced with
Source Link
URL Rewriter Bot
URL Rewriter Bot
Source Link

Here is another JQuery-based solution without any timers:

<script type="text/javascript">
function loadScript(url, onsuccess, onerror) {
    .done(function() {
        // File/url exists
        console.log("JS Loader: file exists, executing $.getScript "+url)
        $.getScript(url, function() {
            if (onsuccess) {
                console.log("JS Loader: Ok, loaded. Calling onsuccess() for " + url);
                console.log("JS Loader: done with onsuccess() for " + url);
            } else {
                console.log("JS Loader: Ok, loaded, no onsuccess() callback " + url)
    }).fail(function() {
            // File/url does not exist
            if (onerror) {
                console.error("JS Loader: probably 404 not found. Not calling $.getScript. Calling onerror() for " + url);
                console.error("JS Loader: done with onerror() for " + url);
            } else {
                console.error("JS Loader: probably 404 not found. Not calling $.getScript. No onerror() callback " + url);

Thanks to:

Sample usage (original sample from JQuery getScript documentation):

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <title>jQuery.getScript demo</title>
  .block {
     background-color: blue;
     width: 150px;
     height: 70px;
     margin: 10px;
  <script src=""></script>
<button id="go">&raquo; Run</button>
<div class="block"></div>

function loadScript(url, onsuccess, onerror) {
    .done(function() {
        // File/url exists
        console.log("JS Loader: file exists, executing $.getScript "+url)
        $.getScript(url, function() {
            if (onsuccess) {
                console.log("JS Loader: Ok, loaded. Calling onsuccess() for " + url);
                console.log("JS Loader: done with onsuccess() for " + url);
            } else {
                console.log("JS Loader: Ok, loaded, no onsuccess() callback " + url)
    }).fail(function() {
            // File/url does not exist
            if (onerror) {
                console.error("JS Loader: probably 404 not found. Not calling $.getScript. Calling onerror() for " + url);
                console.error("JS Loader: done with onerror() for " + url);
            } else {
                console.error("JS Loader: probably 404 not found. Not calling $.getScript. No onerror() callback " + url);

loadScript("", function() {
  console.log("loaded jquery-color");
  $( "#go" ).click(function() {
    $( ".block" )
        backgroundColor: "rgb(255, 180, 180)"
      }, 1000 )
      .delay( 500 )
        backgroundColor: "olive"
      }, 1000 )
      .delay( 500 )
        backgroundColor: "#00f"
      }, 1000 );
}, function() { console.error("Cannot load jquery-color"); });
