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Use the Blob Transfer Utility to downloadI'm a Microsoft Technical Evangelist and upload all your blob files. It'sI have developed a sample and free tool (no support/no guarantee) to handle thousands of blob transfershelp in a effective waythese scenarios.

To speedup the processesThe binaries and not pay for transfers, run it insource-code are available here:

The Blob Transfer Utility is a VM onGUI tool to upload and download thousands of small/large files to/from Windows Azure Blob Storage.


  • Create batches to upload/download
  • Set the Content-Type
  • Transfer files in parallel
  • Split large files in smaller parts that are transferred in parallel

The 1st and source3rd feature is the answer to your problem.

You can learn from the sample code how I did it, here: you can simply run the tool and do what you need to do.

Use the Blob Transfer Utility to download and upload all your blob files. It's a tool to handle thousands of blob transfers in a effective way.

To speedup the processes and not pay for transfers, run it in a VM on Windows Azure.

Binaries and source code, here:

I'm a Microsoft Technical Evangelist and I have developed a sample and free tool (no support/no guarantee) to help in these scenarios.

The binaries and source-code are available here:

The Blob Transfer Utility is a GUI tool to upload and download thousands of small/large files to/from Windows Azure Blob Storage.


  • Create batches to upload/download
  • Set the Content-Type
  • Transfer files in parallel
  • Split large files in smaller parts that are transferred in parallel

The 1st and 3rd feature is the answer to your problem.

You can learn from the sample code how I did it, or you can simply run the tool and do what you need to do.

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Post Deleted by jjnguy
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Use the Blob Transfer Utility to download and upload all your blob files. It's a tool to handle thousands of blob transfers in a effective way.

To speedup the processes and not pay for transfers, run it in a VM on Windows Azure.

Binaries and source code, here: