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Kolappan N
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The Java open source solution is Apache POIApache POI. Maybe there is a way to setup interop here, but I don't know enough about Java to answer that.

When I explored this problem I ended up using the Interop assemblies.

The Java open source solution is Apache POI. Maybe there is a way to setup interop here, but I don't know enough about Java to answer that.

When I explored this problem I ended up using the Interop assemblies.

The Java open source solution is Apache POI. Maybe there is a way to setup interop here, but I don't know enough about Java to answer that.

When I explored this problem I ended up using the Interop assemblies.

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The Java open source solution is Apache POI. Maybe there is a way to setup interop here, but I don't know enough about Java to answer that.

When I explored this problem I ended up using the Interop assemblies.