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After reading the answers above I wrote a Q&D shell script (should work on sh and bash) to run g++ on PGM.cpp to produce executable image PGM. It assumes that the last argument on the command line is the file name (.cpp is optional) and all other arguments are options.

if [ $# -lt 1 ]
    echo "Usage: `basename $0` [opt] pgm runs g++ to compile pgm[.cpp] into pgm"
    exit 2
# PGM is the last argument, all others are considered options
for F; do OPT="$OPT $PGM"; PGM=$F; done
DIR=`dirname $PGM`
PGM=`basename $PGM .cpp`
# put -o first so it can be overridenoverridden by -o specified in OPT
set -x
g++ -o $DIR/$PGM $OPT $DIR/$PGM.cpp

After reading the answers above I wrote a Q&D shell script (should work on sh and bash) to run g++ on PGM.cpp to produce executable image PGM. It assumes that the last argument on the command line is the file name (.cpp is optional) and all other arguments are options.

if [ $# -lt 1 ]
    echo "Usage: `basename $0` [opt] pgm runs g++ to compile pgm[.cpp] into pgm"
    exit 2
# PGM is the last argument, all others are considered options
for F; do OPT="$OPT $PGM"; PGM=$F; done
DIR=`dirname $PGM`
PGM=`basename $PGM .cpp`
# put -o first so it can be overriden by -o specified in OPT
set -x
g++ -o $DIR/$PGM $OPT $DIR/$PGM.cpp

After reading the answers above I wrote a Q&D shell script (should work on sh and bash) to run g++ on PGM.cpp to produce executable image PGM. It assumes that the last argument on the command line is the file name (.cpp is optional) and all other arguments are options.

if [ $# -lt 1 ]
    echo "Usage: `basename $0` [opt] pgm runs g++ to compile pgm[.cpp] into pgm"
    exit 2
# PGM is the last argument, all others are considered options
for F; do OPT="$OPT $PGM"; PGM=$F; done
DIR=`dirname $PGM`
PGM=`basename $PGM .cpp`
# put -o first so it can be overridden by -o specified in OPT
set -x
g++ -o $DIR/$PGM $OPT $DIR/$PGM.cpp
indentation on if command was removed by stackexchange formatting
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After reading the answers above I wrote a Q&D shell script (should work on sh and bash) to run g++ on PGM.cpp to produce executable image PGM. It assumes that the last argument on the command line is the file name (.cpp is optional) and all other arguments are options.

if [ $# -lt 1 ]
    echo "Usage: `basename $0` [opt] pgm runs g++ to compile pgm[.cpp] into pgm"
    exit 2
# PGM is the last argument, all others are considered options
for F; do OPT="$OPT $PGM"; PGM=$F; done
DIR=`dirname $PGM`
PGM=`basename $PGM .cpp`
# put -o first so it can be overriden by -o specified in OPT
set -x
g++ -o $DIR/$PGM $OPT $DIR/$PGM.cpp

After reading the answers above I wrote a Q&D shell script (should work on sh and bash) to run g++ on PGM.cpp to produce executable image PGM. It assumes that the last argument on the command line is the file name (.cpp is optional) and all other arguments are options.

if [ $# -lt 1 ]
echo "Usage: `basename $0` [opt] pgm runs g++ to compile pgm[.cpp] into pgm"
exit 2
# PGM is the last argument, all others are considered options
for F; do OPT="$OPT $PGM"; PGM=$F; done
DIR=`dirname $PGM`
PGM=`basename $PGM .cpp`
# put -o first so it can be overriden by -o specified in OPT
set -x
g++ -o $DIR/$PGM $OPT $DIR/$PGM.cpp

After reading the answers above I wrote a Q&D shell script (should work on sh and bash) to run g++ on PGM.cpp to produce executable image PGM. It assumes that the last argument on the command line is the file name (.cpp is optional) and all other arguments are options.

if [ $# -lt 1 ]
    echo "Usage: `basename $0` [opt] pgm runs g++ to compile pgm[.cpp] into pgm"
    exit 2
# PGM is the last argument, all others are considered options
for F; do OPT="$OPT $PGM"; PGM=$F; done
DIR=`dirname $PGM`
PGM=`basename $PGM .cpp`
# put -o first so it can be overriden by -o specified in OPT
set -x
g++ -o $DIR/$PGM $OPT $DIR/$PGM.cpp
Source Link

After reading the answers above I wrote a Q&D shell script (should work on sh and bash) to run g++ on PGM.cpp to produce executable image PGM. It assumes that the last argument on the command line is the file name (.cpp is optional) and all other arguments are options.

if [ $# -lt 1 ]
echo "Usage: `basename $0` [opt] pgm runs g++ to compile pgm[.cpp] into pgm"
exit 2
# PGM is the last argument, all others are considered options
for F; do OPT="$OPT $PGM"; PGM=$F; done
DIR=`dirname $PGM`
PGM=`basename $PGM .cpp`
# put -o first so it can be overriden by -o specified in OPT
set -x
g++ -o $DIR/$PGM $OPT $DIR/$PGM.cpp