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grep -nr yourString*'yourString*' .

The dot at the end searches the current directory. Meaning for each parameter:

'-n'n            Show relative line number in the file
'yourString*' String for search, followed by a wildcard character
'-r'r            Recursively search subdirectories listed
'.'             Directory for search (current directory)

grep -nr MobileAppSer*'MobileAppSer*' . (Will search forWould find or MobileAppServlet.class or MobileAppServlet.txt; MobileAppASer*'MobileAppASer*.**' is another way to do the same thing.)

To check more parameters use man grep command.

grep -nr yourString* .

The dot at the end searches the current directory. Meaning for each parameter:

'-n'          Show relative line number in the file
'yourString*' String for search
'-r'          Recursively search subdirectories listed
'.'           Directory for search (current directory)

grep -nr MobileAppSer* . (Will search for or .class or .txt; MobileAppASer*.* is another way to do the same thing.)

To check more parameters use man grep command.

grep -nr 'yourString*' .

The dot at the end searches the current directory. Meaning for each parameter:

-n            Show relative line number in the file
'yourString*' String for search, followed by a wildcard character
-r            Recursively search subdirectories listed
.             Directory for search (current directory)

grep -nr 'MobileAppSer*' . (Would find or MobileAppServlet.class or MobileAppServlet.txt; 'MobileAppASer*.*' is another way to do the same thing.)

To check more parameters use man grep command.

grep -nr yourString* .

The dot at the end searches the current directory, and -r searches sub-directories. Meaning for each parameter:

'-n'          Show relative line number in the file
'yourString*' String for search
'-r'          Recursively search subdirectories listed
'.'           Directory for search (current directory)

grep -nr MobileAppSer* . (Will search for or .class or .txt; MobileAppASer*.* is another way to do the same thing.)

To check more parameters use man grep command.

grep -nr yourString* .

The dot at the end searches the current directory, and -r searches sub-directories.

grep -nr MobileAppSer* . (Will search for or .class or .txt; MobileAppASer*.* is another way to do the same thing.)

grep -nr yourString* .

The dot at the end searches the current directory. Meaning for each parameter:

'-n'          Show relative line number in the file
'yourString*' String for search
'-r'          Recursively search subdirectories listed
'.'           Directory for search (current directory)

grep -nr MobileAppSer* . (Will search for or .class or .txt; MobileAppASer*.* is another way to do the same thing.)

To check more parameters use man grep command.

grep -nr yourString* .

grep -nr yourString* .(forThe dot at the end searches the current directory, and onward recursively)-r searches sub-directories.

grep -nr MobileAppSer .*grep -nr MobileAppSer* . (The actual command say if u are searchingWill search for or or .txt.class or MobileAppASer*.txt; MobileAppASer*.* is another way to do the same thing.*)

grep -nr yourString* .(for current directory and onward recursively)

grep -nr MobileAppSer .* (The actual command say if u are searching for or .class or .txt or MobileAppASer*.*)

grep -nr yourString* .

The dot at the end searches the current directory, and -r searches sub-directories.

grep -nr MobileAppSer* . (Will search for or .class or .txt; MobileAppASer*.* is another way to do the same thing.)

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Manish Ranjan
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