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Possible Duplicate:
How do i prevent from printscreen of my webpage?How do i prevent from printscreen of my webpage?

I want to prevent users from taking screen shots of a web-page. What should be the code I have to place in that .html file?

What should be the code to prevent button press like print screen? Because many website prevents users from pressing any keys.

Possible Duplicate:
How do i prevent from printscreen of my webpage?

I want to prevent users from taking screen shots of a web-page. What should be the code I have to place in that .html file?

What should be the code to prevent button press like print screen? Because many website prevents users from pressing any keys.

Possible Duplicate:
How do i prevent from printscreen of my webpage?

I want to prevent users from taking screen shots of a web-page. What should be the code I have to place in that .html file?

What should be the code to prevent button press like print screen? Because many website prevents users from pressing any keys.

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Possible Duplicate:
How do i prevent from printscreen of my webpage?

I want to prevent users from taking screen shots of a web-page. What should be the code I have to place in that .html file?

What should be the code to prevent button press like print screen? Because many website prevents users from pressing any keys.

I want to prevent users from taking screen shots of a web-page. What should be the code I have to place in that .html file?

What should be the code to prevent button press like print screen? Because many website prevents users from pressing any keys.

Possible Duplicate:
How do i prevent from printscreen of my webpage?

I want to prevent users from taking screen shots of a web-page. What should be the code I have to place in that .html file?

What should be the code to prevent button press like print screen? Because many website prevents users from pressing any keys.

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Debadyuti Maiti
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I want to prevent users from taking screen shots of a web-page. What should be the code I have to place in that .html file?

Hee I want to block all possible ways to take a screen-shot. [e.g. pressing print screen button, using "Take a snapshot" application in ubuntu etc.]

If it's not possible, then whatWhat should be the code to prevent button press like print screen? Because many website prevents users from pressing any keys.

I want to prevent users from taking screen shots of a web-page. What should be the code I have to place in that .html file?

Hee I want to block all possible ways to take a screen-shot. [e.g. pressing print screen button, using "Take a snapshot" application in ubuntu etc.]

If it's not possible, then what should be the code to prevent button press like print screen?

I want to prevent users from taking screen shots of a web-page. What should be the code I have to place in that .html file?

What should be the code to prevent button press like print screen? Because many website prevents users from pressing any keys.

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Debadyuti Maiti
  • 1.1k
  • 4
  • 18
  • 30