comment Parameter \"obj\" to Document() must be an object, got \"\" (type string)
you haven't shown the request you make - nor the output of console.log("Comentario: ", comentario); which would help greatly in telling you what you're doing wrong
comment Is there a way to make JavaScript vars non user editable for websites?
you can't do this on normal websites - that implies your website is abnormal
comment Google apps refuse to open as PWAs or windowed shortcuts in chrome
any recent apple updates?
comment Router have 2 ip address private ip and public ip (PPPoE). How to point domain to setup a homeserver
Is your public IP a CG-NAT address? If so, then you are screwed
comment Passport JS + React application internal 500 errro
does the 500 error come with a response, including message and data - a quick browse through your code suggests it should
comment JS not opening a button as intended
do you get an error on document.getElementById(menu-main)....etc ? You should
comment Why does this SQL command give the error "Unknown statement type"?
why is this tagged javascript - try removing the ; in the middle of the query
comment Is it possible to "undeclare" a script block in HTML?
Simplest solution, avoid globals
comment Managing Repeated Data: Script Array vs External JSON
Which approach is better in terms of maintainability and performance? - neither, as you haven't written either yet - handle potential issues like data reloading or file management? you'd handle them as required by your code and environment
comment Why block catch() doesn't catch error, when I use "for await" cycle
how do you know? your catch simply throws the error it caught - the catch block definitely get entered though - if all you are going to do in a catch block is re-throw the error, there's no point in try/catch at all to be honest
comment Why JavaScript external classes doesn't work?
are you loading the external javascript too early perhaps? Classes has nothing to do with your issue at all - what errors do you see in the browser developer console?
revised Calculate a light enough shade of a given color to use as background for black text
added 4 characters in body
revised Calculate a light enough shade of a given color to use as background for black text
deleted 32 characters in body
comment Calculate a light enough shade of a given color to use as background for black text
I've added some more examples @MikhailBatcer - you can play with calc max min as you see fit - there's going to be a way
revised Calculate a light enough shade of a given color to use as background for black text
added 168 characters in body
revised Calculate a light enough shade of a given color to use as background for black text
added 168 characters in body
revised Calculate a light enough shade of a given color to use as background for black text
added 168 characters in body
answered Calculate a light enough shade of a given color to use as background for black text
comment Calculate a light enough shade of a given color to use as background for black text
modern browsers you can use something like background-color: oklab(from purple 95% a b); - which increases the brightness of the "base" colour - also background-color: oklch(from purple 95% c h); there's also lab, lch and hsl - they produce slightly different results - this is vanilla CSS, no libraries required
comment Is <textarea> .value Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) safe?
Permitted content for textarea is text - so, are you sure "XSS does work in textarea innerHTML"? Can you link to the other StackOverflow posts you refer to in your question.
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