comment Any reason why indexDB doesnt remove this method indexedDB.databases() to improve security of the databases stored?
from the documentation ... This is is a snapshot of the databases, intended primarily to allow web applications to check what databases have been created — in order to, for example, clean up databases created by earlier versions of application code - where's the problem? - perhaps you missed the part in the main description of indexeddb that states Like most web storage solutions, IndexedDB follows a same-origin policy. So while you can access stored data within a domain, you cannot access data across different domains
comment Can't get Babel demo to play nice with the pipeline operator
Use "hack" proposal option and it looks fine - make sure you are using the latest version of the plugin AND select stage-1 as well
comment I get a Cannot POST /login error when i'm not sending a POST request to the /login endpoint
you have a <form>? You probably are not preventing the default form submit action
comment Why is the icon of this node.msi file different?
where did you get the file? node .msi installer is usually called something like node-v20.15.1-x64.msi not node.msi ... and running it would install node, so not sure why you were expecting the node to run.
comment Bookworm Rpi3a+ running at 1.2GHz, cannot hit 1.4GHz
Odd - My 3A+ runs up to the expected 1.4GHz - no overclock at all - what does /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_max_freq say?
comment Javascript why import module which get async data doesn't trigger DOMContentLoaded and load event
event IS triggered, before you add a handler for it
comment Javascript why import module which get async data doesn't trigger DOMContentLoaded and load event
DOMContentLoaded / load is fired before your imports are performed, due to top level await maybe
comment How to detect in JavaScript whether a new webpage launched from the current webpage has finished loading or not
@tacoshy - you say He controls both sites ... I did not realise that the shadow of death was Larry Page
comment How to detect in JavaScript whether a new webpage launched from the current webpage has finished loading or not
besides the fact that your code is not even trying to use the opened window to check, it's not possible for cross-origin sites
comment what does this mean? I'm new to computers and I recently started having this issue where my computer shuts off when I play certain games
looks like a memory failure ... same address, same bit, "stuck" at 1 - replace RAM would be a suggestion
comment Why would my PWA install without issue on my desktop, but I am unable to install it on my mobile?
You know there's errors regarding the service worker registration
comment How to use sibling combinator together with `:scope` in `querySelector`
because .querySelector selects descendants of the element you use it on
comment I am practice ipcRenderer but I can not see the result which i think would happen
have you read this answer? the comment from Feb 2022 may illuminate you - note: this was the first search result for the phrase "close electron app from renderer" - surprised you didn't come across that when you researched your issue
comment Is string.indexOf() treated the same on Linux vs Windows?
e.g. in windows console.log("\n".length) is 1 but console.log(os.EOL.length) is 2 - so, using the literal \n is not the same as in some environments where \n can be taken to mean \r\n (I can't remember where that was, but I know it was many years ago that this tripped me up)
comment Is string.indexOf() treated the same on Linux vs Windows?
linux and windows do have a different "EOL" convention ... windows \r\n ... linux \n - what is the respective value of os.EOL in your code for linux and windows - perhaps whatever DBSysInfo is always uses the linux "convention" regardless of the OS
comment What does it mean when an SSD works slow?
How did I know you were going to say that - what brand, model and size is the drive? how old is the drive? what's the max TBW of the drive? How much data has been written in its life?
comment What does it mean when an SSD works slow?
check SSd parameters with Crystal Disk info which parameters did you check?
comment Why would my PWA install without issue on my desktop, but I am unable to install it on my mobile?
but I changed something - can you remember what? have you satisfied these requirements
comment Picture isn't changing dynamically with light on/off button on website
I'm wondering why you do it in two different ways, that's all
comment XmlHttpRequest file (image) <=> raw data reformatting?
interesting use of synchronous request and onreadystatechange - from the docs "Warning: This should not be used with synchronous requests"
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